A/N: Angst cause why not.
Setting: End of 4x02
Description: So... basically the reaction to right after Lancelot steps through the veil.
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin or it's characters
Merlin stood there, hand outstretched, as if staring at the spot where Lancelot had been would make him suddenly reappear. His mind scrambled to process what had happened.
One moment, Merlin was going to walk through the veil. The next, Lancelot was giving him a small smile before leaving.
Reality came crashing down on Merlin, and he collapsed to his knees with a cry. The earth seemed to tremble the second his knees touched the ground, and thunder rumbled as hot tears streamed down his face. Merlin let out a scream of pure rage, and lightning flashed, striking the ground around him. The scream dissolved into sobs, harsh, choking sobs. The lightning stopped, but thunder continued to rumble, echoing in his head.
Gwaine groaned, sitting up. He tensed when he remembered the reason he had been knocked out, and grabbed at his sword. He relaxed slightly when he noticed that the Callieach was no longer there. Arthur was lying unconscious just off to the side, and Merlin...
Merlin was on his knees. Gwaine watched as Merlin let out a gut-wrenching cry, and nearly had a heart attack when lightning started to strike the earth around the boy. Gwaine recognized the use of magic, he had even suspected Merlin of having it for a long time, but the display of raw power took Gwaine by surprise. What could even make Merlin react like thi-
Oh, no.
Lancelot was no where to be seen. Gwaine rushed forward as the lighting stopped, wincing in sympathy when Merlin curled up, silent sobs racking his frame. The knight placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, and Merlin stiffened, before relaxing again.
"He- he sacrificed him- himself to close the veil." Merlin choked out. "It was supposed to be me, Gwaine." Gwaine sighed, sitting down next to Merlin, wrapping an arm around him.
"I'm sorry, Merlin." He whispered. He was vaguely aware of Arthur stirring behind them.
When he awoke, there was one horrifying, gut-wrenching moment where he thought Merlin had somehow gone through the veil in his place. The prince quickly stood up, taking in the sight before him. Merlin (oh, thank God) and Gwaine, sitting together, with Lancelot no where in sight. He put the pieces together.
"No!" Arthur yelled, kicking at the ground. Merlin tensed when he realized Arthur was awake, and the storm began to clear away. Tears still streamed silently down the servant's face as he turned to face Arthur.
The others had shouted for joy when the Dorocha vanished. But when the earth shook, and the lightning flashed, they felt their happiness dim.
That was just a side effect of closing the veil, right?
Still, they had all rushed to Arthur in fear. They found Merlin, curled on the ground. Gwaine was next to him, attempting to comfort the servant. Arthur was waking up, and let out a scream of anger.
Slowly, they put the pieces together, dread settling like a stone in their guts as Merlin stood, assisted by Gwaine.
"Lancelot?" Percival whispered. Merlin turned away from Arthur, and gave Percival a slow shake of his head.
It was a quiet ride back to Camelot.
Yay angst. Just so you guys know. I've seen your requests, and I'm doing my best to work on them! I'll post them as soon as I can.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...