.A/N: Crossover between my two favorite fandoms!
Setting: Modern times.
Description: Merlin saves lives, and in the process, might make some new friends.
Disclaimer: I own neither franchise.
"Oh, we are so screwed." Tony Stark, A.K.A Iron Man, received several glares for his statement. His armor lay strewn about the floor around him, Thor was unconscious, Hulk was MIA, Black Widow and Hawkeye were hanging upside down, tied with their backs to each other, and finally, Captain America was chained to a large metal pole, his shield lying on the ground across the room. And beside the famed shield stood Loki, and the woman known as the Enchantress.
"Well, well, well." Loki said, a maniacal grin on his face. "It seems that you are all at our mercy." He stepped forward, his scepter glowing brightly. "Who should we end first?" The god of mischief aimed his weapon towards Thor. "Goodbye, dear brother." A blast of energy was sent towards the stirring Asgardian, causing his teammates to cry out. Suddenly, the blast reflected off of a golden bubble that surrounded the Avengers.
Enchantress was forced to roll out of the way when the energy came sailing back towards her. "Who's there? Show yourself!" She demanded.
A man stepped from the shadows.
Merlin had been having a pretty good day. He was visiting America for the first time in years, and he had been thrilled to find a good little cafe that sold the best coffee.
Until all of that changed.
A green blur shot past him, or, more specifically, over his head. The warlock immediately recognized it as the famous Hulk. Merlin sipped his coffee, and with a wave of his hand, he slowed the hero's descent, before carefully lowering him to the ground. Hulk was out cold, lying on top of a crushed dumpster in the alley Merlin had set him down in. The streets were fairly empty, due to the fact that they thought that a angry green meteor was going to crash into them.
Merlin huffed when Hulk remained unresponsive, before turning around to face Avengers tower. If there was something up there strong enough to knock out the Hulk, then the rest of the team was probably in trouble. Sighing, Merlin dropped the remnants of his latte into the dumpster, and with a flash of his eyes, he disappeared.
"You know, this was not how I pictured my trip to New York going." The man spoke with an accent as he stepped closer to Loki. The gold light that had surrounded the Avengers a moment ago dissipated. Both Loki and Enchantress stared in shock for a moment, before recovering their wits.
Loki's grin returned, though it seemed less confident. "You are just a mortal with a few tricks. You cannot hope to stop the two of us and our magic." The man raised an eyebrow in response, while the Avengers couldn't help but stare.
"Who does this guy think he is?" Hawkeye muttered. No one answered him. Cap couldn't help but feel as if he'd seen the man before, but he couldn't quite place it.
"I remember you!" The man suddenly said, snapping his fingers. "You're the fellow who led the alien invasion a while back. You couldn't do me a favor, could you? Do it in England next time. The prat wouldn't be able to stay dead for an alien invasion."
"Great." Tony hissed. "This guy is insane." The dark haired man tilted his head, as if considering what Tony said.
"Alright, I've had enough." Loki spat. He nodded to Enchantress, and she raised her hands, ready to strike this crazy person down. His eyes flashed gold however, and she found herself bound by invisible chains. Loki let out an angry growl, sending another blast towards the man, who simply raised another shield. "Who are you?!"
He grinned. "You can call me Emrys, if you like." From her spot on the floor, the Enchantress' eyes widened in recognition, though Loki still seemed confused.
"Emrys." Enchantress whispered. "The one of legend?"
"So I'm told." 'Emrys' replied.
Loki scoffed, unimpressed. "I've destroyed so called 'legends' before, mortal. You can't face me on your own."
"Even if I can't," Emrys pointed behind him. "They can." Loki's gaze landed on the Avengers, who were now free. While he'd been talking to the warlock, they had somehow freed themselves, and even Thor was getting up from the floor. "Also, Hulk is awake." Just as Emrys spoke, an enraged green blur burst through the walls, plowing straight into Loki. The two disappeared through another wall, leaving Emrys, the bound Enchantress, and five very confused Avengers.
"What just happened?" Tony was the first one to break the awkward silence.
"You were in trouble, I stepped in and saved you."
"Well that cleared it up." The sarcasm practically dripped from Hawkeye's words. Cap stepped forward, hand extended toward the man, who took it warily.
"Thank you for your help."
Emrys nodded in response, before nodding towards the hole in the wall. "You may want to go break that up."
"Wait!" Black Widow walked towards the man. "S.H.I.E.L.D will want to talk with you."
Emrys shook his head. "I've dealt with them before, Widow. I have no desire to do it again." Her eyes narrowed, and she subtly reached for something attached to her belt. "Now if you'll excuse me, I should probably be going." He began to step back, just as Black Widow shot a tracker at him. Emrys' eyes flashed gold just as the small device hit, and he vanished into thin air.
"Well. That was weird." Tony stated.
"Indeed." Thor nodded in agreement. "But for now, we need to assist Hulk in defeating Loki." A flash of gold flew past the hole in the wall, and Cap recognized it as Loki's horned helmet. "Or perhaps assist Loki in not getting killed."
Widow raised her wrist, and a screen flickered to life. A small red dot could be seen as she stared at it intently. "And then we'll find this guy, and get some answers."
What did you think? I may continue this later, but no promises.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...