A/N: Surprise! Another Freylin oneshot.
Setting: Any time after the episode Lancelot Du Lac I guess?
Description: Morgana dreams about Freya and Merlin. She decides to make Merlin suffer.
Disclaimer: If I owned Merlin I would have made Freylin permanent.
"No... no! There must be something I can do to save you."
"You've already saved me. You made me feel loved."
There was a boat. It was burning as it sailed out onto the lake.
Morgana shot up from her bed, gasping. She hadn't suffered from a dream in a long time. She absently fingered the bracelet on her wrist, wondering what the dream meant.
Merlin had been in it. Merlin and a girl.
"Merlin." Morgana snarled at the name. He had become troublesome for such a lowly servant. He had condemned her sister to painful death. Morgana hated the boy. She desired many things, but making Merlin suffer was one of the things she longed after most.
Suddenly, the meaning of the dream became clear to her.
If she had resurrected Lancelot, why couldn't she do the same for this girl?
Quickly, Morgana gathered what she needed. She would have to adjust the spell, of course. Merlin would not feel true pain if this was only a shadow of his love. No, this would really be the woman he loved. Memories, feelings, everything intact, just so Morgana could rip her away from Merlin again.
The high priestess was ready. She would be taking a risk going so close to Camelot, but she needed to be at the lake where Merlin had set the girl's corpse aflame. The journey took a few hours, and Morgana thought to herself as she walked along.
As she came to the shores of the lake, she prepared her spell. Chanting, Morgana performed a similar ritual to what she had down before. The water of the lake began to churn, and a girl slowly rose from the lake, her expression dazed. Finally, the spell ended, and Morgana had to resist the urge to collapse from exhaustion. The girl was staring at her hands in amazement, her eyes wide.
"I'm- I'm back?" She whispered. Morgana grinned, the satisfaction of her success giving her some of her energy back. The girl's gaze snapped up towards Morgana, and her expression hardened. "Morgana." The girl muttered. She raised her hand as if to attack the witch, but with a cry, she fell to the ground, unconscious. Morgana lowered her hand, the words of her spell still echoing across the lake. A pang of... guilt? no, not guilt. She refused to feel guilty for making Merlin suffer.
And, oh how he would suffer.
"Ow! Stop it, you prat!" A few passing servant girls giggled at the sound coming from King Arthur's chambers. The king had his manservant's arm twisted behind his back.
"That's no way to talk to your king." Arthur said, chuckling. He let Merlin's arm slip from his gasp, and the manservant turned to glare at the king. Merlin opened his mouth to retort, but was cut off by a knock on the door. "Come in." Arthur called out. He raised an eyebrow when Leon burst in, looking rather out of breath. "Sir Leon?"
"Sire," Leon began, "I bring urgent news from the patrol. It's Morgana." Merlin drew in a sharp breath, and Arthur's expression darkened.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...