Day Ten of Christmas

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A/N: this gave me whiplash just writing it

Gwen hummed to herself quietly as she finished stitching the emblem on the piece of cloth in her hands. She held it out, admiring her work. The sun shone through the window in her small home, lighting up the gold colored stitching beautifully.

She rose from her seat, adding the now finished neckerchief to the pile of others, before taking that stack and adding it to the other hidden gifts she had.

Gwen didn't make a big deal out of what she did, in fact, she tried her best to avoid any sort of confrontation when it came to her annual hobby. With a smile on her face, she examined each of her neatly wrapped gifts.

A gift for everyone in her life. And Gwen continued this tradition, even as queen she would create meaningful gifts for the ones she loved.

The Camlann happened.

And soon Gwen found that she had no one left to give gifts to.

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