A/N: Kinda crack. Also Mergana. Also hi I missed posting a lot
Setting: Let's say post 3x09 for now.
Description: Arthur and Gwen are positive that Morgana and Merlin are hiding something from them. They set out to find out what it is.
Disclaimer: I just came up with this plot late at night so let's see how insane it gets.
Arthur was not an idiot.
So of course he'd noticed that his manservant had been hiding something. He'd also noticed that Morgana seemed more secretive than usual; and those two facts coincided too much for the prince's liking.
It all added up in Arthur's mind. Morgana, try as she might, was not very subtle when she pulled Merlin into those alcoves. As of late, whenever the two were in a room together, they would send each other odd looks. And to top it all off, Merlin had insisted that Morgana should stay in Camelot instead of rescuing Elyan. Arthur had been able to tell he was worried, but now, it made sense as to why.
"They're hiding a relationship!" Arthur exclaimed, slamming his fist on the table. Uther immediately stopped talking, just to turn his stare towards his son. The prince turned red when he realized that all the councilors were staring at him as well, not to mention he could just feel Merlin's eyes boring holes into his back.
"Is there... something you'd like to share with us, my lord?" Arthur turned to Geoffrey, who appeared amused by the entire situation.
"No, sorry." Arthur offered the men his most convincing smile, though it faltered a bit when he heard Merlin's barely muffled snort. "Carry on."
The men all returned to their previous business, unaware of Arthur's plotting. He would get Merlin and Morgana to reveal their relationship to him. After all, it was quite clear they were in love.
Yes, Arthur was not an idiot.
"-and that's why I think Morgana and Merlin are in love." Arthur finished triumphantly, waiting for Guinevere to react. The two sat in the privacy of Arthur's chambers, during one of the few times Merlin wasn't there. When the prince had summoned for Gwen, she'd been confused. Not that she was complaining. Her time with Arthur was few and far between these days.
The maid pressed her lips together. "Well... I suppose it is a possibility," She began hesitantly, unsure of how to word her next statement. "But how can you be sure you're not just... looking for things that aren't there?"
Arthur scowled. "It makes sense! Think about it- Morgana's defiance against Uther is even stronger as of late; and its because she's afraid he won't approve of her and Merlin being together! Merlin has been positively insistent on Morgana not coming with us on any trips that could be dangerous. He's being protective of his love!" Guinevere had to admit, it did make sense, in a twisted, roundabout way.
"Morgana has been sending me home early most nights. Maybe she's meeting Merlin. " Gwen mused, beginning to pace ever so slightly. "What if-" she broke off, an amused smile making its way across her face. "What if her and Merlin are..." she left the next few words unspoken, but the meaning was clear.
Arthur paled.
Gwen had never seen his quite this sick looking. Even when he'd been bit by the Questing Beast, he'd had more color in him.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...