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Few days later

Few days later

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"Thanks Ivy." The little girl said as I handed her the school supplies.

"Your welcome baby girl." I said smiling as she came around to give me a hug.

I watched her walked away and started getting ready for a little boy coming up. Today I decided to go back to my old neighborhood and give back to all the kids.

I rented out a building and gather a team together to help me. I've been here all day making sure I didn't miss anybody. I know school started tomorrow and some families couldn't afford to get new stuff I know my momma didn't for us. It was supplies, clothes, latest shoes, food everything. It was a success.

I let one of my volunteers get the last one and watched the rest start cleaning up.

"I'm going to go help clean up. You don't have to do a thing go home and get rest babe. God bless you for everything thank you so much for doing this for the kids ." The head of the building I was in told me.

"Thank you so much Ms.Lugs I'm glad I could give back." I said as we exchanged a hug.

We told each other bye and I grabbed my purse and fished for my keys.

"Hey..." Someone said making me look up.

My eyes landed on Sei standing in front of me.

"Oh hey, Lugs just took the last of tbd s-

"No I didn't need that. I brung my little cousins here earlier. I just wanted to congratulate you on doing this and your success. I seen today your song Start over just entered top 5 on the billboard that's amazing ." She said giving me a weak smile.

"Thanks Sei. Are you ok?" I said looking at her faint blacken eye.

"Yeah i go to the community college and been working. I draw now and sell my work on insta.My mom overdosed few weeks ago so I've been living with my boyfriend. I see your about to go I didn't mean to hold you." She said.

"Your fine and I'm sorry about your mom.Today is also my mom birthday wish she was here ... I know the feels." I told her.

"Yeah I gotta go tho my boyfriend outside I don't want to make him mad." She said rushing out the building .

I couldn't get out bye before she was out the door. I shook my head and told all the volunteers bye and thanked them for the help before walking to my car. I missed Landin so I wanted to rush home. I unlocked the door and heard some man yelling , it was from the car Sei was finna get into .

"And bitch I told you to be out here at 7:05 probably was in there sucking somebody dick. Hurry up and shut my damn door." He said after I heard a loud slap.

I gasped and walked over there but he sped off before I could make it. I know we wasn't cool but I didn't want to see nobody put they hands on her. I watched him pull out the parking lot and went back to my car, I always wondered how she been doing, I see now . After I shut my door I picked a song before pulling off and went home .


"Goodnight love sweet dreams." I said kissing Miley's forehead putting the bedtime story up on the shelf.

"Night Lia."She said falling asleep as I turned the light off.

After shutting her door I went across to Malik's room and he was playing Fortnite cussing at the game. I didn't even bother going in I just went in my room seeing Lamar throwing Landin in the air catching him . Yes, after the talk me and him had we back together he finally came home with us and Ayana left me to go back to her home with Tae.

Relationships just hard and I couldn't give up on what Lamar and I had . I expressed everything that was bothering me about us and we both was grown about it and talked it out how we can move on from there . Y'all know I'm in love with that man , I ain't gone be a fool but some things can be forgiven . I just hope I won't ever have to go through that type of pain and hurt again .

"Ma." Landin said trying to get down from the bed to walk over to me.

"Hold on baby I'm coming to bed ." I said going to Instagram .

I seen my song was top 2, I got excited and seen Nicki commented two heart eyes under my pictures . My night got even better . I walked to my side and got under the covers ,Landin did the same thing copying me getting closer .

"Freaking mommas boy ever time she come over around you leave me." Lamar said looking over at him.

"Leave my son alone . Him love his mommy." I said playing in his curls .

"Nah you just be spoiling him to much . How'd the giveaway go a lot of radio stations shouted you out." He told me .

I began telling him what happened . Him and the kids was there but Landin was cutting up so I told him he could take the kids home . We talked more , I missed my man and us ended our night like this . If Landin was sleep it would've been something different but I'm happy chilling . My phone vibrated on my hand and I seen it was a weird number , I read the preview .

Unknown: Hey babygirl this is Emmanuel Everly, your father . I have proof to back myself up . I see you doing good and was wondering could you help ya daddy out with some money since you famous and all. Tell your mom I said Happy birthday

My mouth dropped open. I know he did not.



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