Chapter 28

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Everybody seem 50/50 about the next book w Renee & Malik Or Ayana & Tae so please please if you haven't yet comment in the last chapter who do you want for me. I'll add a little more scoop into Malik and Renee relationship today's chapter since I did Ayana and Tae , to let everyone have a final decision.

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I scrolled on my phone as gently caressed through Malik's hair, he was talking all this shit to me then cuddled with me on the couch and fell asleep

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I scrolled on my phone as gently caressed through Malik's hair, he was talking all this shit to me then cuddled with me on the couch and fell asleep.

When I first worked for Malia I would never in a million years think I would be with him 3 years later, I still think about it how ironic it was . Malik would always flirt with me back then but I would laugh it off because he's younger than me and secondly he was off limits since that was Malia's brother . However, when Malik hit 18 he was on me for the longest and talked a real good game he slipped right into my heart . He really calm down and got on his shit, he treats me better than any nigga I ever had , really sweet deep down , and the sex is crazy ... pretty much the reason I'm 3 months pregnant now.

His phone started ringing interrupting me from my thoughts . He quickly picked up running his hand across his face, talking

"Hello?... Who is this ?" He said sitting up .

I looked at him he had a confused looked on his face . He scrunched his face and hung up the phone .

"What's wrong baby." I said rubbing his back .

"I just got this weird call . I heard kids in the back and someone breathing and didn't say nothing." He said staring off in space .

"It's probably just a accident Lik." I told him.

He thought for a minute and looked over at me licking his lips.

"You right I'm probably tripping. I'm about to hop in the shower ." He said pecking my lips before getting up.

I told him alright and picked up our plates taking them to the kitchen to scrape them off and started cleaning up a bit, unboxing the rest of our kitchen stuff . Malik and I just moved in this beautiful condo, I still be in awe seeing it everyday . We lived in a apartment together for a long time because I really didn't see the reason to purchase to a big ass mansion it's really no point because it just been in me and him for the longest . I just wanted to take it slow and start with a condo but of course if our family expand we would get a home . After Malia didn't need me anymore I tried to find different things to do to see what I liked, career wise . I was very undecided and wanted to do something I love to do . I was very good with kids so I started with a daycare .

This was around the time I met Malik and he was already that nigga in the city,everybody noticed him. He made me quit my 9-5 and told me he wanted to take care of me but since I declined he said I should at least work with him and that was the start of the Club business. We are great business partner and help each other in our weak areas. I really love this boy so much, people wouldn't understand.

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