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Filler Chapter

"We can set small goals and big goals together and check them off together

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"We can set small goals and big goals together and check them off together. I just want to make sure my kids and we have the best life possible." Lamar told me.

I nodded my head and agreed to go off of what he said talking more about our future. After hours of the arguing, tears, and me almost just walking out of the whole relationship. We were currently laying in bed naked and tired after doing so many rounds of makeup sex to now staring each other eyes talking having deep conversation.

Why did I take him back? I still don't know but I only got one more try in my heart to stay with Lamar. We both got so much learning and growing to do, I married this man so young anybody looking in would already assume we wouldn't last 6 months I had doubts myself but I love Lamar so much,I never cared how far we would go. A relationship will never be perfect but if you care you will never give up... to an extent. I know his intentions was never to hurt me, he did some dumb ass shit which I still don't understand and think the nigga is crazy as hell but I get it.

I checked my phone and seen how many missed calls and texts from my team and random other unsaved ones. I had a whole day planned out and this happens. I still have some of the day left.

"You need to get back to your label Lamar it's probably a mess over there let's shower and do what we have to do before the day ends,Imma go check on Landin " I said sitting all the way up trying to reply back to everyone grabbing my silk rope.

I walked into the living room seeing Renee and Landin was on the floor playing with a few educational games. Soon as I was about to say something Malik came in the house after hooping with his friends.

"Sup sis, Hey Gorgeous." He said licking his lips staring Renee's way.

This boy been crushing over Renee for the longest,I don't think she's intersted in him.

"Don't leave your basketball shit in the living room, I was just checking on ya'll Renee I'll get him soon as I shower." I said watchin Landin walking to me calling my name.

I talked to the both of them for a bit seeing what's been going on before leaving . I had to remind Renee is Malik gets too overwhelming to text me.

I walked back to my room and seen Lamar was putting his clothes back on typing on his phone .

"I'm sorry Malia I just jumped in there really quickly something happened at the label. Free your schedule Saturday around 9. I love you," He said tryna give me a kiss.

I pushed him back turning my face .

"Damn it's like that."

"We ain't that cool nigga and alright I'll try," I told I'm turning my closet light on.

"Ight Malia," I heard him chuckle leaving out.

I picked out something comfy and quickly showered to do a few errands . When I came out the shower I seen a whole bunch of Gucci and Chanel bags on my bed next to the bags was my wedding ring I threw at Lamar arguing with him . I carefully slid it on finger and looked at it in awe .

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