Chapter 30

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"Yeah hopefully they like this," I said looking the clothes my assistant bought for me.

Ayana was coming today and I at least had to get them something to start off with until I let her pick what home she wants. For the time being, I wanted to make sure they were comfortable they wouldn't be here long. Life too short to have hatred in my heart and I love kids, I always did growing up. Partly because of taking care of Malik I always felt being a parent was going to be a breeze.

I checked my Apple watch and seen it was the time I had to go. Lamar and Landin were both gone they already knew they were coming. So many thoughts filled my head, I still kind of wanted to know why did she betray me like that but then again I needed to let it go and let God.

"They will don't worry. You ready to go?" My assistance said snapping me out my thoughts.

"Yes we might be running a little late but thanks for the shopping I'll see you later," I told her grabbing my purse.

After we parted ways, I grabbed my purse and locked up the house.


As I stood outside of the gateway, I checked the time looking down at my watch when I started seeing people walking out of the terminal. This had to be there them coming out, for some reason I had a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. I then seen a middle-aged white woman walking out with two little caramel toddlers. The lady was holding a paper with my name on me. Disappointment fell over me when Ayana stayed behind and gave up the ticket but it was for the babies. I signaled and walked over to the flight assistance letting her know I was Malia. 

"Hello, their mother wanted me to make sure i ave them to the right person, excuse me for staring hard I was trying to match you up with this picture she gave me. I would like to ensure you that the girls did an excellent job during the ride. I just gave them a snack they will be a tad tired so I wouldn't be alarm if they slept the rest of the day," she informed. 

I smiled and nodded. 

"Thanks for your help," I said kneeling down to their level. 

"Are you Dior? " I asked looking at the oldest one. 

She smiled and nodded her head. 

"Caia," she said pointing to her sister. 

"Okay, I'm Tete Malia okay? You two are going to stay with me until Mommy come here," I told both them giving them a smile. 

Dior nodded and I took her hand as she held her sister hand tight and I began talking to them as we exited the airport. After I strapped both of them in their new car seat in my car I headed to my house. 

1 hour later...

As the girls played in the bath I fixed up their room a bit more. They seem happy and wasn't as bad as I thought, they were well behaved especially being that one is her terrible twos and the other one birthday just passed. They just ate and almost done with their baths they looked sleepy out their eyes. I checked my phone to see if Ayana replied I texted her 4 times letting her know the girls were safe and gave her my address if she ever came from where she was. 

"Tete," Caia yelled as I refreshed my emails. 

"Yes baby," I ran in there. 

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