Chapter 31

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I know you may have to reread the last couple of chapters but this will be a filler for Chapter 30. Ayana and her kids are currently back in the states.

Thank you all for the encouraging words. I appreciate it so much I'm so happy to get the free time to come back on wattpad. I'm going to really try and give myself a updating scheduling for right now at least once a week updating to be easier on me. Definitely want to continue this series I fell in love with the characters I made but I feel like my part threes be lagging so I will have to come up with something in the future.


"What the do you think happened?" I whispered to Lamar looking the door.

"She had to kill someone. I dont want our names tied to this murder in any way, shape, or form," he told me.

"Yeah I ain't going to jail for nobody. What am I suppose to do—

"I'm finished," Ayana said standing in the door way looking down shaking.

I stood up releasing Lamar's grip walking over to her.

"You ready to talk," I looked at her.

She rubbed up and down on her arm and nodded yes. I began walking down the hallway, down the steps to go talk outside by the pool. Ayana looked totally off she was not the person I seen last time. I sat down on one of the lawn chairs and she sat in front of me. She wouldn't even look up at me, I didn't know rather to call the police or ambulance.

"Look I'm sorry I set you up. I let him feed me lies while I was at a vulnerable state. Ive literally been in through hell and back ever since I life. Tae has done some unspeakable things to me I cant even find the words to say. I dont want this to be a pity party form me. What I did to you was so low. Tomorrow I'll look around for a shelter to get me and the girls a place. I I dont want your help no more Malia. I love and thank you but I dont want someone else to hold my hand again. I wanna do this shit on my own," she sighed.

"You're a grown women I wont stop your decision but I dont know how you got here or why you have murder scene in that bag but it has to get out my home. Is he dead?"

"I'll get rid of it tonight and yes. After he noticed the girls was gone he went crazy and tried to kill me so I fought for my life and smashed the lamp on his head. When he fell to the ground, i grabbed whatever was in his hand and smashed his head with it. Nobody will ever find his body. Let me go get rid of this evidence."

"Well— um okay?" I said watching her get up walking away.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at her. I couldn't save everyone all of the time. If she wanted to start this early on her own so be it. It looked to me she was taking good care of the girls even with what she was going through. I was reading in between of the lines of pretty much what was going on. I walked back into the house and watched her pick up the bags.

"I'll be back in a hour," she informed me.

I told her okay and started to walk back up the steps into my room. Lamar sat up and stared at me.

"What happened?"

"Tae's dead, she was getting abused, and her and the girls will be leaving soon is all I really got," I shrugged.

"Aw damn, was she for sure he was dead ?"

"I mean yeah, I hope so or its going to be more shit," I told him getting comfortable under the covers.

We talked more as I checked my schedule for tomorrow. I stayed up until she came back in and tell me everything was cool. Lamar and I barely have the time to actually talk to each other so we spent most of the night having deep conversations.

The next day...

"The doctor will back with you shortly," the nurse assured.

I gave her a small smile and nodded. I wanted to either get my IUD took out but also had to get a wellness check. I had a few questions for my doctor. I really been having baby fever and feel as though its time for another. My baby ain't a baby no more.

I scrolled on my timeline interacting with my supporters. Y'all will not believe me when i tell you this but Ayana already found this program for her and the girls they had a room open for her, her move in day was tomorrow. 

Their was two knocks on the door and I told them to come in.

"Hello how are you Malia," my doctor greeted me shaking my hand.

"I'm good how are you."

"Good as well. My assistant told me you're having bad migraines, very hot in the mornings, and more discharge?"she said.

"Yes I dont know what's going on its not normal."

"Your also getting your IUD ready for more kids..." she smiled.

"Yes ma'am. I thought I only wanted one child but I had to talk it over with my husband we definitely are eager now," I chuckled.

"Well we took your pee sample and your that 1% that got pregnant on the IUD, thats why your having all these symptoms it's normal! Congratulations Malia," she cheered .

"Oh my God," was all I could say.


Would y'all want a book with Renee and Malik? Last vote this time 😭😭 since Tae out the picture unless y'all would want a book about just Ayana . I'll drop a the book tomorrow if I get a good amount of comments .

Just to warm y'all back up nothing major 🦋

Excuse the errors

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