-twenty two-

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I woke up in my bed.

I glanced around the room and saw a note sitting right next to me on my night stand.

I unfolded it and began to read;


You fell asleep watching Iron Man and I am highly offended that you didn't like the movie :) I brought you home because I was pretty tired as well. Text me when you wake up.


I smiled and picked up my phone.

I dialed his number for a change, other than just texting him.

It rang a few times and then he answered.

"I think I'd prefer it if you called me Charlotte so I can hear you voice." He said

"Good morning to you too." I said taking a seat on the bed.

"How did you sleep?" He asked.

"Pretty well, I fell asleep like a baby had no dreams and my brain pretty much shut the hell up." I said smiling.

"You're getting very good at this Charlie." He said.

I smiled.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

He always seemed so intrigued with my life that I never seemed to ask him about his life.

"I slept pretty well I had this crazy dream but I still slept like a baby so here's what happened-"

For the next thirty minutes James told me all about his crazy dream. I've got to admit, I don't remember most of it but I enjoyed him being so interested in something as small as a dream.

Sunday went pretty fast after I hung up with James. I got my school supplies together because it only started about two weeks ago.

Monday James picked me up from school which I guess he was going to from now on because his exact words were, "Charlie, no girl over the age of 12 should ever be seen in public with a pink bike so from now on I'm driving you."

Monday was when I started to get nervous about Alex. I suppose James noticed it as well because Monday afternoon when we were at my house he brought it up.

"Penny for you thoughts?" He asked leaning forward on his chair.

"Quarter for yours." I said smiling.

"Well, I'm sitting here with my best friend and she is not acting normal and I'm assuming it's because tomorrow she has to talk to her 'boy toy' about their kiss and she's quite nervous." He said smirking.

He always seemed to understand every little thought that enters my head.

"Exactly." I said shutting my eyes.

"Let's sing." He said handing me my guitar and picking up his.

"What song." I asked sitting up.

"Got To Get You Into My Life." He said.

"Not sure I know the chords for that song." I told him.

"Oh it's very easy Charlie." He said

"G major, I was alone I took a ride I didn't, F major, know what I would find there, repeat for next verse, Another road where maybe I can see another kind of mind there." He said

I strummed along with him.

"B minor, Ooh then I, D major, suddenly see you, repeat for next line, Ooh did I tell you I need you, C major, every single day, D major, of my, G major, life." He said ending on one strum.

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