-twenty three-

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I pulled up in front if Charlie's house at seven to pick her up for school.

Today was Tuesday and knew she would be insanely worried to talk with Alex, but she really shouldn't be because Alex is a really good guy.

She came out of the house with a skirt on, a blue top and these crazy shoes which was weird because I've never seen anything other than converse on her feet.

Her hair was curled and pinned up.

She had more makeup on than normal and I hated makeup.

"Look at you." I said smirking as she sat in the passenger seat.

"Shut up." She said buckling her seat up.

"Let me guess that whole get up is just for me? Aw thanks Charlie." I said.

She laughed at me.

The day went pretty quickly after that I pickier Charlie up after school and by then all the color had drained from her face.

"Charlie he'll be there by the time we get there so please just breathe." I said rubbing my hand across her back.

She nodded at me.


By the time we pulled into James' driveway I could barely breathe.

We got out of the car and went into his house.

"Fuck!" Someone screamed coming from the basement.

"Jake!" James yelled as I followed him into the basement.

"James can you believe this? The string to my bass broke!" The blonde boy standing in the corner yelled.

"Jake chill I'll take you to get it fixed, and Jake, this is Charlie, Charlie this is Jake the bassist for our band." He said sighing.

"Hi." I said awkwardly standing in front of him.

"Hey." He said taking a seat next to James.

I glanced around the basement, posters of various bands were hanging on the walls.

Guitars were on the wallas as well, along with piles of sheet music scattered around the floor.

"Jake where is Alex?" James asked.

"Hes in there" Jake said pointing to a door in the wall.

"Hes still going crazy about that girl Charlie-" Jake trailed off.

He looked at me and back to james.

"Youre Charlie!" Jake said smiling.

I nodded.

"Jake I'll take you to get your bass fixed while Charlie and Alex uh, sort things out." James said winking at me.

Jake nodded and both of them walked up the stairs out of the basement.

I sighed as I knocked on the door that Alex was in.

"Jake I'm not in the mood right now." He said.

"I'm not Jake." I said biting my tounge.

I slowly opened the door and saw Alex sitting there with him head in his hands.

He slowly lifted up his head and as soon as his eyes met mine, he stood up.

"Charlie?" He said.

I nodded.

"Hey." I tried squeaking out.

"I've been looking for you." He said chuckling.

"Yeah." I said.

Staring at him was harder than I imagined.

I had avoided him at all costs to avoid this awkward situation that I would have had to face sooner or later.

"Want to talk?" I asked.

"Not really, but we have to." He said sitting down on the couch and I walked over and joined him.

"Were you happy Charlie?" He asked.

"Happy when?" I asked.

"Happy when that bottle stopped on you?"

I was actually thrilled when it stopped on me.

I nodded.

"Then how come you did it?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"How come you would sleep with James." He said

I could not believe the words that just came out of his mouth.

"Wh-" I tried talking but I Really just couldn't form words.

"I heard about I Charlie. You don't have to pretend." He said frowning.

"I never slept with James." I said.

"I thought he told you we were just really good friends?" I asked.

"He did but there were rumors that he came to your house and you slept with him." He said.

"He did come to my house but I never slept with him! I never slept with anyone I'm actually a virgin." I said laughing, but soon covering my mouth once I realized what I had just confessed to.

"Really?" He asked.

I nodded.

"James is just my friend nothing more I swear." I told him.

i haden't noticed how close we were sitting next to each other.

"You know the song, 'Got To Get You Into My Life'?" He asked me.

I flinched at the song James told me was our song just the day before.

"Yea, yes I do." I said leaning my forehead to his.

"I like to think of that song as our song." He said cupping my face into his hands.

I smiled at him and nodded.

James is my best friend, Alex is more than that, I felt bad agreeing with Alex about the song but what else was I suppose to say?

What are the odds of them choosing the same song to describe our relationship?

He pressed his lips to mine and I felt the same electricity asthe first time we kissed during 'Spin The Bottle'

I felt like I could finally breathe.

All the weight was removed from my shoulders once his lips touched mine.

His hands moved to my waist and I gripped his hair into my hands.

I felt him smile through the kiss and it made me think, "This is what it's like to have a boyfriend."

I slowly pulled my lips away from his and he smiled at me.

"Would you maybe want to go out with me he said." I laughed.

"Of course." I said smiling and kissing him again.

I heard the door open and I heard laughing.

Sure enough it was James and Jake laughing their asses off while Alex and I sat there completly embarrassed.

"So I guess you two worked some shit out." James said smirking and leaning aganist the wall.

I smiled at him and nodded.

Alex and I stood up and he took my hand in his.

I met his eyes and he kissed my cheek.

This was right.


-Hey guys! the long awaited 'Chalex' chapter!-

<Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for 180-ish reads(;


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