-twenty six-

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As Alex opened his car door for me I smiled.

"So where are we going?" I asked as he got into his side of the car.

"Well I decide that we should go see a movie, but I was wondering which one you want to see?" He asked driving down the street.

I thought about it for a minute.

"Maybe insidious 2? The first one was amazing," I said smiling.

"Then that's what we'll see." He said.

"So catch me up on the first one." He said.

So on the drive I told him about how a little boy went in a coma, and no one knew why, and they find out that the boy can leave his body while he sleeps and so can his father.

I tried explaining in much details as I could.

"Sounds like a good movie." He said smiling and pulling into the movie theater parking lot.

He opened the door for me and took my hand in his.

I smiled at his simple gesture that made my heart warm.

As we walked into the theater to watch the movie, I noticed that there was no one else in the theater.

I assume he noticed too because he smiled at me.

"Looks like we got the place to our selves." He said smirking and walking into an isle.

I followed him and sat down.

I've got to admit the movie was amazing, once again.

During one scene I looked over at Alex;

His eyes were not on the screen but they were on me.

"You're missing the movie." I whispered to him.

"I don't care I get to look at you." He said leaning in and kissing my cheek.

I giggled at his response and placed my head on his shoulder.

He wrapped his arm around me and I smiled.

Durning one scene there was a loud noise and I jumped.

He laughed.

I saw his eyes meet my lips.

I'm assuming mine did the same because he leaned in and kissed me.

I don't remember the rest of the movie.

I don't think he did either.

Afterwords he drove me home and parked outside my house.

"I had a great time." We said at the same time.

I laughed and so did he.

"Let's do this again." He whispered pulling my lips to his.

I gently kissed him back when I heard my phone ring.

I didn't break the kiss but I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I mumbled through.

"Charlotte?" I heard come from the other line.

I immediately knew it was James.

"Hi." I said.

Alex moved his kiss to my neck and sucked lightly on the skin.

"Charlie what are you doing." He asked as Alex kissed up my jaw line.

"James I'm with Alex." I said into the phone.

"If he takes your virginity I'll kill him." He said.

I laughed and hung up the phone.

We kissed for a little while and then Alex walked me inside.

"See you soon." He said pecking my lips and walking back to his car.

I smiled and waved to him.

I laughed and walked inside.

I decided to call James back because I didn't have time before to talk with him.

It rang a few times and there was no answer, which was weird because he usually always answers.

I decided to ride my bike to his house.

I looked at the clock.

It was only 10:30 and curfew was at one.

I had time.

Once I got to his house I knocked on the door.

His mom answered; happy as always.

"Hi Charlie." She said smiling at me and leading me inside.

"Hi Mrs. Delany, is James here?" I asked looking around and seeing no sight of him.

"I believe he's upstairs in his room if you want to go check." She said pointing to the stair case.

I nodded.


I walked up the stairs and opened the door to James' room.

"James I need to tell you abou-" I stopped mid sentence.

James was sitting on his bed making out with a brunette girl.

His eyes quickly glanced up and noticed I was there.

He pulled away from her lips and looked up at me.

"Oh my god I'm sorry." I said backing away and trying to shut the door.

"Oh no it's okay Charlie, this is Abigail, remember from spin the bottle?" He said gesturing to her.

I looked at her and smiled.

She seemed awful nice from what I remember of her.

"Hi I'm Charlie." I said waving.

"Yea I remember you." She said smiling.

"Well I should leave you guys, uh, to it." I said trying to leave once more.

"Oh no it's okay, James I should probably go my dad might get suspicious." She said getting up and walking towards the window.

He smiled at her and gave her a long kiss.

She waved to me and I waved back as she climbed out the window.

James turned around and sighed at me.

I just laughed at him.

"Like you never sucked face with Alex." He said smiling and sitting on his bed.

I laughed and sat down next to him.

He had told me all about how he called her about a week ago and they decided to meet up. He told me about how she was our age, and wanted to go to college to become a professor. He told me about how he loves the way her eyes sparkled once they went to on their first date.

I then told him about Alex and our date and how well it went over and what movie we saw and what snacks I had gotten there.

Once I finished he just was looking at me and smiling.

"What?" I questioned him.

"A month ago we were single and look at us now." He said ruffling my hair.

"I met you a month ago today." He said a few minutes later looking at his calendar.

"Really?" I asked sitting up.

He nodded.

"We should celebrate." He suggested.

So for the next hour we sat downstairs, ate ice cream and watched reruns of full house, which I'm assuming is just our way of celebrating.


sorry for such a late update I've been crazy busy and I'll try to update more regularly(:


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