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Hong Jisoo or commonly known as Joshua Hong kept a secret about losing a younger sister back when he was still 6 years old. His younger sister was still 4 years old when she was lost. It was said that one morning, his sister just vanished.

Pledis CEO revealed that he will make a debut of a 5 membered girlgroup after Joshua told him about his younger sister. Joshua suspects that one of those girls is his younger sister but then again, the other members have no idea about this.


"I lost a younger sister when I was 6 years old. She was still 4 years old back then. In such an age, I know that she cant remember anything about me and his real family right now. I know she's still alive but I dont know where she is. She might have changed her name and that just makes it more difficult to find her. I..... I want to find my younger sister"

-No matter how much light I carry within me, there will always be times of feeling lost, being confused, seeking direction. It is the way of the human heart-
-Joyce Rupp

"Oh Scoups sunbaenim! Annyeonghaseyo!"


"Is there something wrong?"

"Jisoo.... He's not acting the way he is. I mean.. Normally he's a prankster and sort of a devil off camera but now he doesnt talk to us and keeps saying that he wants to be alone since he's thinking of something. It kinda bothers me since I'm the leader"

"Sunbae.. You cant control your members all the time. Sometimes they have personal problems that they cant share to others. Problems that are difficult for them to talk about. Dont stress it, sunbae. But since your the leader, It's your choice"

-What leads us astray is confusing more choices with more control. Because it is not clear that the more choices you have the more control you feel. We have more choices than we've ever had before-
-Sheena Iyengar

"Mom, what is this?"


"This is.... Joshua sunbaenim. Why... Why am I with him in this picture? I know that it's a small kid but I know so well that that's me! Mom, what is the meaning of this?!"

"Youre.... Joshua Hong's lost sister"


-When all else is lost, the future still remains-
-Christian Nestell Bovee

Jisoo's POV

I twisted the door knob of the CEO Office and heaved a deep sigh before completely opening it.

"CEO-nim?" I called to confirm if he's here.

"Oh Joshua Hong! " he exclaimed followed by Head Manager Jeon.

"I have something to discuss with you and all due respect, can I talk to you alone?" I asked nervous about his response.

"Dont worry, I was about to leave" Head Manager Jean said. I bowed to him as he made his way out.

"What is it that you wanted to discuss?" he asked.

"I want to share a secret about my childhood. As you may know, I was born and grew up in Los Angeles but the thing is, I have a younger sister that is two years younger than me. But.... I lost her. My family lost her. We we're celebrating a festival back when I was 6 years old and dad happen to be holding her. She was 4 years old then."

"She keeps whining that she wants to walk on her own so dad and mom decided to let her stand. She ran towards me and pulled the hem of my shirt. Since I was a tiny boy who doesnt understand anything, I didnt notice her and ran off on my own and admired the rides. Our parents thought that I was holding on to her but when the festival ended, we realised that she was gone. Vanished. Lost."

"We searched for her all night til midnight but she was nowhere to be found. We reported it to the police and waited for 24 hours but there was no results. I felt that it was all my fault but like I said, I didnt understand anything. When I was 12 years old, my parents decided to tell me about it since I can clearly understand the society."

"It was then I blamed myself of losing a sister. I thought I was an only child for my 12 years of existence until the day that my parents told me that. I told myself every second that it was all my fault of not noticing her. My parents often thinks that she is no longer a part of this world but I refused. I know she's alive and I want to find her. I just dont know how."

"CEO-nim. I am not asking you to help me find my sister. I just want to share that deep secret of mine. It's bothering me so much these days and I feel like suffocating. The words of my parents when they told me about it keeps on repeating on my mind and I'm starting to blame myself all over again."

"I dont know what to do. But even though I dont know, I still want to find her even though I know It's quite imposible thinking of how many ways to find her. The world is so big and I might have not known that she might be hiding in a darkened alley."

I said everything I wanted to say. It was quiet for a few seconds. CEO didnt blink an eye and kept his mouth shut. I cleared my throat before taking my leave.

I heaved another deep sigh after I closed the door. After saying everything I kept for these past years to the CEO, it felt quite refreshing and I somehow feel at ease right now.

A sweet smile flashed in my face when my gaze catches the sight of some of my members.

"Jisoo hyung!" Mingyu rushed over followed by Sungcheol, Wonwoo, Jihoon, and Chan.

Word Count: 990

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