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Soojin's POV

I woke up and the first thing I felt is my horrible hangover plus the soreness below there. Ofcourse I know what happened last night. You dont expect me to make Jeonghan oppa look like someone who takes advantage of a drunk girl right? I was already sober last night. And It was my choice.

I felt someone move beside me that made me turn around then all I saw is the naked Yoon Jeonghan covered under the blankets. I saw the two marks I placed last night then I found myself touching it.

"Goodmorning" he greeted.

"Its too obvious" I said.

"Gwaenchanha. As long as you dont have." he said.

"I wont get pregnant right?" I made sure.

"Yeah. I didnt cum inside you, dont worry. Oh and, I'm ready for Joshuji to beat me up" he said and sat up.

"Oddeoke~ oppa will beat up Hannie's pretty face" I said and ran my hands on his cheeks.

"Omo oddeoke~" he acted out that made us two laugh. "About Myungho..."

"Gwaenchanha. I heard one time in the cubicle Jieqiong and one of her members having a conversation saying that Haohao and her did it" I said.

"How could he?! That jerk!" he exclaimed.

"I'm nothing different right?" I mumbled.

"Your so different, Soojin" he said.

"Gomawo, oppa. Kunde, you have practice right?" I asked him.

"Oh right! I should hurry. How about you?" he asks while getting ready to take a bath.

"Today's the recording with the girls" I said also getting ready.


"So you're telling Shua oppa?" I asked him when we arrived the company building.

"Ofcourse! He's your brother after all" he said.

We were talking about some things when suddenly someone bumped into me.

"Hey watch it!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry..." he muttered.

"Tsk" I snapped.

"Hey Minki! Choi Minki!" His friend called and so he ran off.

Aurgh... My head hurts all of a sudden. Why.... Why is it hurting? Aurrghh... I saw flashbacks in my mind....

When I finally reached the town square, I searched for the group of people circling. When I was at search, I bumped into someone.

"Hey watch it!"-

My thoughts was disturbed when someone shook me. When I turned it was Haesoo.

"Gwaenchanha? That was Ren sunbaenim from Nu'est. You might be startled because you became sassy for a second there" she said.

"Huh? Oh gwaenchanha" I said.

"Wae? We're you thinking of something" she asks and bit her lip.

"Huh? Ani. I actually forgot what I was thinking. Aish what was it? That's odd, my head hurt for a second there" I said and held my head "I cant really remember why and what was I thinking. Ah molla maybe because of the hangover"

"That's a relief" she spoke.


"Ani. Nothing. Today's the recording right? You and Jihoon will direct us right?" she asks.

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