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Vernon's POV

Seungcheol hyung returned with a satisfied smile crept on his face. His eyes were glowing as if he accomplished something extravagant. He stopped infront of us and his sparkling eyes changed into a confused gaze.

"Why all 10 of you are outside here?" he asks. Thats right. All 10 of us are outside Jisoo hyung's room. The hyungs are trying their best to eavesdrop even they already know so well that the room is sound proof.

"Jisoo hyung and Myungho hyung is having a conversation" I said.

"We dont know if they are still talking or in the middle of fighting because the room is sound proof." Mingyu hyung said.

"Aigoo are those kids dumb? They do know that the room is sound proof right?" Seungcheol hyung sighed.

"Well we all know that the dongsaengs are actually the hyungs and that the hyungs are suppose to be the dongsaengs" Seungkwan said that made Seungcheol hyung glare at him "Except you hyung" he added.

"Hyung, it's been an hour since you left. How did it go? We told the hyungs about your capturing Haesoo without her knowing but all they ever think about is how to eat dinner" Chan said. Sometimes it makes me think if Chan is actually older than the hyungs.

"Aish" Seungcheol hyung frowned and flicked the hyungs' ears.

"What was that for?" Wonwoo groaned.

"You guys can even think of eating dinner? Did the doctor said when the two be discharged?" Seungcheol hyung asks.

"They can be discharged tonight, hyung. But it's up to us if we'll let them be discharged tonight or we'll sleep it off and let them be discharged tomorrow" I said.

"The hyungs are truly useless" he sighed.

"I'll talk to manager hyung and ask him when we'll fly to Japan" he said. "Oh and about my Catch Haesoo without her knowing, it was a success. As expected, Min Haesoo is stupid." he said and raised Chan's recorder.

"You brainwashed Kyulkyung didnt you? You were the one who told Kyulkyung to lie didnt you? You ordered Kyulkyung to bring flowers didnt you?!"

"I did. So what? What if I did?"

"Stupid b****. The company told you Soojins past to help her regain her memories not to use it against her!"

Haesoo laughed at what Seungcheol hyung said making me think if this girl is crazy or what.

"What? Did Hoshi sunbaenim told you? That jerk. I already told him not to tell anyone or else I'll kill Soojin. He wasnt threatened, huh? Looks like I should kill Sohee"

A slap was heard followed by a yelp from Haesoo. Seungcheol hyung slapped her?

"Kill her?! Go kill yourself! You really think you can shut someone up by telling the truth? All I can say that you're stupid Min Haesoo. Thanks for the information"

That is what was recorded in the recorder. Everybody froze when they heard the last part of their conversation.

"Hyung... Haesoo.... Wont kill her right?" Soonyoung hyung asks. He's the one who is the most worried because he's now the reason why Haesoo is planning on killing Soojin.

"Dont worry, Soonyoung. Dont blame yourself on anything that is happening right now. Imagine if you didnt tell us, we wouldnt confirm that Haesoo really is the one behind everything. And if you didnt tell us, we would be mad at you for keeping it all to yourself." Seungcheol hyung said and tapped Soonyoung hyung's shoulder.

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