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Soojin's POV

A week has passed and the Bangtan members has been telling me what to do and what not to do for the past hours.

"Okay, listen here young child. DO NOT leave your apartment tomorrow. Did you hear me? DO NOT." Hobi said for how many times already.

"Close all your windows and make sure it's locked, got that?" Joonie reminded me.

"Ne....." I responded with my head down. Like seriously, they are treating me like a kid.

Even though, how many times I already said that I am not afraid of Haesoo and I will never be. Honestly, I still have a speck of hope that she's just blinded by jealousy and insecurity and that there is still a small hint of changing for the better in her. I know that that is like 15% or what but still.

"Okay, okay, that's enough boys. I'm sure that Soojin understands what she should and should not do tomorrow so stop it with the pressure" Jin oppa said that made me heave a sigh of relief that made Kookie and Tae chuckle.

"We will discuss furthermore about your songs the day after tomorrow, kay? I will go through it tomorrow night when we arrive." Yoongi oppa said and patted my head. Ugh seriously, I am really treated like child with these dudes.

"Ne oppa, gomawo." I said and smiled to him.

"Seriously, Soojin. Be careful, okay?" He added and so I nodded.

"Oooohhhkay that's enough, my brothers" Chimmy said and grabbed me towards him. "I'm going to send her home, now" he said.

"Mhhmmm... Boyfie is going to accompany his sweetheart home, yeah" Kookie teased and high-fived with Tae.

"For the last time... SHUT UP JEON JUNGKOOK!" Chim yelled at him but Kookie and Tae just laughed it off.

Alsooo, I found out that I'm the one that Chim likes. Yeah. Kookie and Tae were just too obvious and Hobi and Yoongi oppa also told me about it although, Chim didnt really confess yet.

"Chim, let's go" I said in between chuckles because they were running around.

"Oops, your sweetheart is calling you so you better go" Tae teased that made Chim glare at him.

He went over to my bag looking so pissed as ever (just like any other days when Tae and Kookie teases him). I giggled at how childish he can be. Honestly tho, I'm starting to actually notice Park Jimin.

"Soojin-ah," he called while we're walking.

"Hmmm?" I responded. He was about to say something but a bunch of young trainees came our way.

"Annyeonghaseyo noona!" They greeted.

"Annyeonghaseyo" I greeted back and smiled to them.

"Oh annyeonghaseyo Jimin sunbae! Why are you with Soojin noona?"

"Are you two dating?"

"Are you her boyfriend, sunbae?"

"Uh... Errmm... Uhmmm..." Chimmy struggled on answering them so I chuckled. Gosh, this guy is just so cute.

"He is" I said that made Chim's eyes widen. "Why are you still here, tho? It's already late" I asked them.

"We are actually about to leave, noona. We're just going to get our bags"

"Ah jinjja? Be careful on your way home, arasseo?" I told them.

"Ne noona. Sunbae, make sure that noona gets home safely!"

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