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Jimin's POV

"Namjoon, here's your package!" Hoseok hyung exclaimed while dancing around.

"Yah yah be careful!" Namjoon hyung exclaimed and snatched his package from Hoseok hyung.

"Chim, did you know about the Soojin and Myungho dating thing?" Jungkook asks me.

"Hmm? Yeah." I answered.

"Mweoya? Why didnt you tell me? I'm also Soojin's friend! Oohhh maybe you were so upset about it so you didnt tell anyone about it,riigghhttt?" Jungkook said and wiggled his eyebrows at me in a teasing way.

"Shut the crap Kookie. How did you know about it?" I asked.

"Mingyu and Scoups hyung were in the shop too. Did you know about the Soojin being Joshua hyung's lost sister thingy?" He asked. Does this guy doesnt know about anything?

"Yes I do know that Jungkook-ssi. Do you really not know about anything? I thought Soojin would have told you" I said and sighed.

"Why do you look so stressed, Chim?" Jungkook asked and looked at me in a teasing way. I rolled my eyes at him because of his silliness.

"Jungkookie! Arent you returning the recorder?!" Hoseok hyung yelled because he's on the other side of the practice room and it isnt surprising that Hoseok hyung is yelling.

"What recorder?" I raised an eyebrow at Kookie.

"This." He said and showed me a recorder. "Scoups hyung dropped it in the shop. Seventeen is leaving for Japan tomorrow so I have to return this to him today. There might be something important inside this object" he explained.

I snatched the recorder from him that caught him off guard. "Scoups hyung stands as Sohee's father. There really must be something important that contains this" I mumbled.

I pressed the play button and the recording echoed inside the practice room. Scoups hyung's voice were heard together with a girl's voice. I know so well that it isnt Sohee's voice.

"You brainwashed Kyulkyung didnt you? You were the one who told Kyulkyung to lie didnt you? You ordered Kyulkyung to bring flowers didnt you?!"

"I did. So what? What if I did?"

"Stupid b****. The company told you Soojin's past to help her regain her memories not to use it against her!"


"What? Did Hoshi sunbaenim told you? That jerk. I already told him not to tell anyone or else I'll kill Soojin. He wasnt threatened, huh? Looks like I should kill Soojin"

*slap* *yelp*

"Kill her?! Go kill yourself! You really think you can shut someone up by telling the truth? All I can say that you're stupid Min Haesoo. Thanks for the information"

Jungkook's eyes widen as to what he just heared. The practice room was dead silent. The members stood frozen while Taehyung and Hoseok hyung's jaws are dropped open.

"Min Haesoo? Isnt that Soojin's former member?" Jungkook asked.

"Well I guess Min Haesoo is the antagonist of this story" I said "We have to return this ASAP. I bet Scoups hyung was about to report this to their CEO but he dropped it. Kookie ppali ya!" I exclaimed and grabbed my things. Probably just my phone and wallet.

Jisoo's POV

Seungcheol has been walking around the dorm for the 100th time. He's mumbling who knows what and now he's staring at who knows where while standing infront of me. I am now staring at him confused while the members just shrugged it off on the background.

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