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Seungcheol's POV

"Where is she?! What happened?!" Jisoo yelled. He's been making a fuss when the nurse entered saying that Sohee is experiencing an allergic reaction.

"Joshuji" Jeonghan stood infront of the door.

"Where's my sister? What happened?! Can someone f***ing explain to me?!" he yelled.

"Kyulkyung was inside Myungho's room. When we entered she was standing infront of the door and she was carrying a basket of flowers. Myungho yelled to cover his nose but Kyulkyung didnt know anything so when he turned around to face the both of us the flowers touched Soojin's skin. Vernon then rushed to call Soojin's doctor. He's in her room right now while the doctors are doing their best to recover her" Jeonghan explain.

"So it was Kyulkyung. What trouble can she do more?" Soonyoung rolled his eyes.

"The doctor said that you can see her when they have recovered her to her usual state" Jeonghan said.

"Jeonghan, Jihoon, Wonwoo. Keep an eye on Jisoo and Myungho also Soojin. I have to go to the company to report everything. You guys do know that when you two get discharged we'll fly to Japan right?" I said.

"H-how about Soojin? Who will keep an eye on her? Its dangerous! Kyulkyung and Haesoo are in the company they'll do everything to ruin her!" Jisoo exclaimed.

"Dont worry Jisoo. Soojin is a strong girl. She's 22 years old already" I said. "Geurae, I'll take my leave"

I left Jisoo's room and walked towards the lobby. "Kyulkyung!" It was a girl's voice and h**k it was so familiar. I turned around and saw Haesoo following Kyulkyung.

Wait what? Haesoo and Kyulkyung? Kyulkyung is a b**** who ruins Soojin and Myungho's relationship while Haesoo is also a b**** who wants to ruin Soojin's memories. Is this all a part of Haesoo's schemes? Did she use Kyulkyung? I swear I'm gonna-

I ran to Myungho's room not bothering to knock and just barged inside.

"Kyulkyung was lying! I never f***ed her! Nor will I ever! She's so desperate aurgh!" Myungho yelled. He was talking to the dongsaengs when I entered.

"I can make sure that that is true" I spoke and they all turned to me.

"Haesoo was following Kyulkyung in the lobby. We all know Haesoo. She'll do anything. I bet she used Kyulkyung. I had a conversation with Kyulkyung when you two started dating. We had a clear conversation that no matter she likes you she'll support your relationship with Soojin. I was really surprised when I heard that she's trying to ruin you two until I saw what I witnessed lately. Kyulkyung was obviously running away from Haesoo yet that b**** cant accept lose" I said.

"Min Haesoo!" Myungho yelled and threw the basket of flowers. "I'm pretty sure that she's also the one who told Kyulkyung to bring that- that dreadful thing here!" Myungho exclaimed and pointed at the basket he threw.

"Chan. Give me your recorder. I'm going to catch Haesoo without her knowing" I said.

"What recorder?" Chan asks innocently.

"You think I wouldnt know? You have a recorder which you record every conversation you had with your hyungs. I'm pretty sure you'll use that to blackmail us soon" I said and stretched my arm out.

"I wont" he sighed and tossed the recorder to me which I successfully caught.

"You really dare to blackmail us" Dokyeom glared and so Chan let out an awkward laugh.

"Dont worry, Myungho" I said and stepped out.

The day after the vending machine.
"Jeonghan, why do you want to talk to us?" I asked.

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