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Seongcheol's POV

I wore my mask and hat before following the stretcher to the emergency room to avoid attention from fans and some rumors.

"Sir, I'm sorry but you cant enter inside. You can go to the patient after some tests" a nurse said and I nodded.

I sat on the bench near the door and thoughts keep entering my mind. I told the three guys to return to the dorm to tell the members that I'll be home late. They also don't need to worry and just hope that everything will be fine.

"I feel like its all my fault" I mumbled to myself before I plump down to my palms.

Jun's POV

"Will Soojin be fine?" Wonwoo asked.

"She will. I hope." Jeonghan hyung said. "Do you think Soojin has an illness? Or maybe she lost her memories?" he asked.

"Maybe. She wont lose her consciousness for nothing right? And besides, we are not that close to her for her to tell us that she has an illness or memory loss" I said.

Jeonghan hyung opened the door as the two of us followed. The guys were having a fun conversation in the living room while the others especially Jihoon is in their rooms.

Today is actually our day off that's why all of us are in our dorms. Maybe except from Chan who just came back from practice on his own. Mingyu is now cooking dinner.

"Hyungs your back!" Dokyeom said. We just nodded our heads as a response. Wonwoo went straight to his room while Jeonghan hyung went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. I sat beside Minghao with a not so good face.

"What happened?" Minghao asked. Everyone went silent maybe because they notice the look in our faces.

"Soojin... Was rushed to the hospital" Jeonghan said and sat beside Chan.

"Mwo?!" Most of them reacted.

"Soojin and Haesoo had a huge argument. A fight maybe. They were cursing at eachother, yelling at eachother. I felt like the whole building is going to collapse." I said.

"Haesoo thought that there was something going on with Soojin and Seungcheol hyung because they found out that they were meeting eachother frequently. Haesoo keeps on spitting words and didn't even let Soojin speak." Wonwoo said when he got out of his room.

"Then a situation happened that made Soojin fell on her knees and eventually pass out. Everything happened so quickly that we don't even understand why and how. Haesoo warned Seungcheol not to touch Soojin but Seungcheol said that Haesoo is being unreasonable and that she keeps dropping conclusions." Jeonghan hyung said.

"Seungcheol hyung said that Soojin was just asking for help from him. Soojin wants to learn how to write rap to help the group since she knows that the girls has a bad impression to her and that she doesn't want to be useless infront of them. After hyung said that, Haesoo froze as if she was hit by tons of thorns" I said.

"Shouldn't we visit her or anything?" Minghao asked beside me.

"Molla. We should wait until Seungcheol hyung says anything" Wonwoo said and Minghao just pouted.

"Seungcheol messaged me that he'll be home soon. He'll give us news when he comes back" Jeonghan hyung said.

We waited patiently for hyung to come back. The rain started pouring and the guys are already getting worried. Mingyu served us our dinner to brighten our moods a bit which actually helped to avoid the topic.

After several minutes after dinner, the door opens revealing Seungcheol hyung.

"Hyung what happened? Is Soojin alright?" Vernon asked.

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