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Soojin's POV

I opened my eyes and all I could see is white. The same situation 8 years ago flashbacks in my mind but the only difference is I can remember what happened before I pass out unlike that time that I couldnt remember even a single peanut.

"Soojin? Youre awake?" I turned my head to the side and saw Head Manager Jeon sitting on the couch.

"Head Manager Jeon..." I managed to mutter

"I'm not the Head Manager anymore. CEO Han made me step down from my position to be the manager of you girls. You might have not noticed but I was there in your dorm before you entered" he said.

"Jinjja? Sorry for the commotion" I apologized.

"It's good that you now managed to speak the basic words even though 85% of your sentence contains english.

A/n: you heard that right folks! Hong Sohee.. I mean, Sohee still speaks english and could only speak basic words (words that I only know 0___0). Minhye mentioned about her typing in hangul right? She doesnt. Minhye only thoughts she types in hangul.

"Ne, Minhye had a hard time teaching me for 2 months. Its harder than I thought." I said and attempted to sit down but only got triggered by pain inside my head that made me held it tightly.

"Gwaenchanha? Just lay down. Looks like you still need to stay here a bit" he said.

"What happened?" I finally asked.

"It took 4 hours before your tests were finished last night. But 2 hours before, the doctor said that they saw signs of memory loss in your brain. I told him that I havent heard of it before so he said that they will take further tests about the situation that took another 2 hours. The results they found is that the memory you lost was the memories when you were born until you were 13 that means you had that memory loss for 8 years now" he explained. "Do you know about this?" he asked.

"Ani. Are you sure that I have memory loss?" he noded "I couldn't believe that my mother hid it from me. I spent 8 years of my life not knowing who I really am. I'm now thinking that I have been living in a lie that maybe she said some things that I am not. I feel like I'm not myself" I said.

Another trigger in my mind that is more painful than before. It made me hiss and close my eyes as I held my head. I felt the warm hands of Manager Jeon on my skin as I bear the pain.

"Dont bear it. It would only hurt more. Scream. Scream the pain. Cause if you wont, more damages will cause in your brain." he said. I noded and gulp before I let out loud screams while holding my head tightly.

I was panting heavily and decided to bury myself under the blankets. "What if it bothered the other patients?" I muttered.

"Dont worry, the doctor recommended this room since its sound proof. Only VIPs get these and since the doctor said its best for you to let out the pain, he said to move you here." he said and I noded still under the blankets.

"You will not receive any patients. The company wants to protect your privacy and since your problem is a critical one, they want you to recover before continuing your work" he said. "By now, the girls and Seventeen might have already know your situation" he added.

"Seungcheol was the one who rushed you here in the hospital though. How about you message him saying that your fine?" he said ams handed me my phone.

"Ne. Kamsahamnida" I said and opened my phone. I quickly searched sunbaenim's number in my contacts to message him.

To: Seungcheol sunbaenim
-Sunbae, I want to keep a cat and a hamster. I'll call the cat Mingyu while I'll call the hamster Hoshi

I chuckled on my own message. Mingyu sunbaenim really looks like a cat because of his fangs and who wouldnt notice that Soonyoung sumbaenim is a hamster, right?

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