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Jisoo's POV

"We should report her to CEO Han! She might kill my sister!" I raised ny voice at the two of them.
Myungho and Jeonghan are right infront of me and they just told me about what happened yesterday. Ne, yesterday. The three of us pulled an all-nighter here in the hospital. Soojin is beside us still unconscious in a VIP room.

"We can do that but Haesoo will just say some excuses saying that she was really busy because they didnt train for the past three months so that's why she couldnt help Manager Jeon about it. Haesoo might be dumb but she's viciously smart" Jeonghan raised his voice too.

Myungho is just keeping quiet since our conversation and just keeping an eye on Soojin while holding his arm. He's a good one. I dont have to worry about him being with my sister since I trust him.

"Myungho, you should go home and wash" I said.

"Ani. I'll stay here..... With her" he said not bothering to break his sight off of my sister.

"Yah, Seo Myungho. You dont want Soojin to wake up and the first thing she'll notice that her boyfriend is stinky right?" Jeonghan said. Myungho sighed before standing up.

"Arasseo. Keep an eye on her, okay? Keep. An. Eye. On. Her." he said gesturing for us to keep an eye on her.

But before he could open the door, the door already opened for him. I mean, someone entered before he could leave. And that someone is more vicious than a snake.

"Haesoo? Why are you here?" Myungho asked. Based on his voice, you can really tell that he doesn't like her presence. Who in this room likes her presence anyway?

"Why? I cant? She's a former member and she's my eonnie" she said. "I brought her flowers" she added and raised a small basket of flowers. Flowers.

"Take that out this instant!" I yelled.

"Ah wae?" she asks and even puts the basket near Sohee.

"Are you crazy?!" I yelled and tossed the basket away.

"Whats wrong with you?!" she yelled.

"Are you trying to kill her?! See! She really has the thought of killing her! If you know her past then that means you know that she's allergic to pollens! You really want her dead while being unconscious?!" I yelled the top of my lungs.

"Hyung take that out!" Myungho yelled then Jeonghan quickly took the flowers outside.

"I... I didnt know" She manage to squeak.

"Stop it Min Haesoo! You think I'd buy that?!" I yelled at her making her sob.

"Aish Hong Soojin neo-" she hissed.

"Mwo? See? You do despise her and the fact that you brought flowers simply means that you want to kill her. It was understandable if only you didnt know her past but too bad we know that you know. Luckily we dont have any evidence to report you to the CEO so that you'll leave the company" I said.

She groaned and messed up her hair and shot a spiking glare to Soojin.

"LEAVE!" I growled making her leave.

"So umm... I'll take my leave too" Myungho softly said.

"Yah yah, Seo Myungho" I called.


"Neo.... Dont give my sisters flowers, got that? Chocolates would do just no flowers! Or else I'll choke you to death" I warned.

"Ne...." he said then left.

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