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Haesoo's POV

"Haesoo-ah!" I turned around and saw Hoshi sunbaenim running towards me. "Have you seen Minghao? He suddenly ran out of our practice room" he said while panting.

"The8 sunbaenim? there" I said and pointed the way to the balcony.

I saw Soojin ran towards that way followed by The8 sunbaenim a while after. Looks like they have something to converse but why did The8 sunbaenim go there without telling his members? As far as I know, We left Sohee dumbfounded in the CEO's office. It's not as if she's affected or is she?

I flinched when I heard Hoshi sunbaenim squeaked like I little child but rather than getting pissed at him, I just decided to look at the way where he's looking at. There it was. The8 sunbaenim was hugging- more like comforting Sohee.

"Is there something going on between them? Why are you squeaking like that?" I asked him

"Ani but we hope so"

"And what's that suppose to mean?"

"We are kinda shipping them"

"Soojin was kicked out of the group" I spoke

"Mwo?! Wae?!" he kinda raised his voice that made me frown. He quickly covered his mouth and walked towards a further corner gesturing for me to come with him.

"It's actually good that she's not a part of the group anymore. I cant stand her. She's so troublesome. What can we even do with her? All she can ever do is diss and speak in english" I said and rolled my eyes upon thinking of her.

"That's not true. You don't know anything about her" sunbae defended

"And you think you know everything about her?Just because you spent three months with her that doesn't mean that you know EVERYTHING about her! She doesn't even know anything about her! She doesn't know her own self!"

"How do you even know that?"

"Because I know her much more than herself. Soojin.... Is Joshua sunbaenim's younger sister right?"

"How did you know that?"

"Do you know the reason why she was kicked out? Because of you. 13 of you. The fact that Joshua sunbaenim and his members know about his sister's identity is the reason why she cant be in the group anymore. The CEO and Manager Jeon agreed with Joshua sunbaenim that they'll help Soojin regain her memory in order for them to be together again and because of that she cant be in the group to avoid critics and scandal. But then again, the two didn't tell her the real reason. She thinks that she's just a burden to the group"

"Why didn't YOU tell her the truth?! Oh right. ofcourse you wont. But why didn't the other girls told her!"

"They would tell her if they know right?" I spatted. He froze upon realization "Ne, I'm the only one who knows. CEO Han and Manager Jeon told me the reason and everything so that I could help her regain her memory but they don't think I would really help them right? I would be stupid if I'd do that. Why would I help someone I despise so much?"

"Why are you telling me your evil schemes?"

"There is no other way to shut you up than to tell you everything right? Sunbenim, I exist in this world to stop each one who dares to help Soojin. I cant bear to watch her regain her memories and grab the attention of the public just because she's one of the Seventeen member's younger sister! She doesn't even own her own face!"


"Like I said, I know her much more than herself. Compared to everyone that surrounds her, I'm the only one who knows her. Even Joshua sunbaenim doesnt know her past really well. he only knows the part where he saw Soojin again 9 years ago right? But he doesn't know what happens before and after that. Fortunately for me, CEO Han told me everything"

"CEO Han told you her background and past for a good cause but here you are planning evil schemes towards her. You don't even plan on killing her are you? is your pride really that important that you can think of killing a person?! Your pride and jealousy is too much!"

"Killing her? Actually I can kill her. Her memories are in the palm of my hands and If I innocently act everything at once, it will cause a dangerous memory shock and that her brain will erupt. We all know that if one's memory will regained at once, there is a high possibility of coma right? and as far as I know, her past is as dark as hell and that will only bring brain torture to her while in coma that will only lead to death"

"Are you really playing the antagonist of this story?"

"It's not my fault that I am, right?"

"And you think its better that you told me everything? You do know that I could tell Joshua while you're sleeping or I can also tell CEO Han while you're laying low"

"And you do know that if you'll do that I'll go on with my plan on killing her right? No one will know I did it because there are tons of excuses to be made and that involves telling everyone that I didn't know that what I'm doing are actually situations in her past"

"But CEO Han, Manager Jeon, and I know that you know her past. It's impossible that you didn't know that it wasn't pasts of her past"

"Well everyone knows that I'm not smart and if I'm dumb, how would I know that sudden attack of memory could cause dangerous memory shock that would lead to death?"

"You wont regret this?"

"I wont and you cant stop me or stab me in the back. I hold your precious Sohee's life"

With that, I left him there defenseless. With last glance on the balcony seeing The8 sunbanim and Soojin talking with eachother on the bench I could already smell the stupidness running inside Soojin. She's so fragile.

Too fragile that if you'll drop her, she would instantly break into pieces.

A poor girl who lost her memory. Defenseless. Innocent. How does it even feel living in a life full of lies? Everything you knew about you are all lies. Fabricated. Bluffs. even your birth certificate is a lie. You're name is a lie. Who are you Soojin? Only I know. It must have been nice living in a hell with a mother who is a witch.

Stolen and kept. It's you who remembered when you were 13 but a vase was thrown to you causing your face to break. You who is complimented by a beauty that's nonexistent. Only if you know that's its fake. Poor Soojin. Currently living a perfect life soon to be hell.

I'll make sure you'll drop. You'll break. I'm bulletproof. you're defenseless. I'll ruin you Hong Soojin.


Word count: 1155

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