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Soojin's POV

"Aigoo I'm tired" Jihoon oppa said and yawned.

We finished the demo recording of the three tracks already. The title track is the only one left which is I'm going to sing.

"I'll buy some drinks" I said and got up.

When I turned around I saw Chan sleeping while sitting down then there's Shua oppa trying to balance him. Looks like they were tired from practice.

I opened the door slowly so that the little child wont wake up. I whistled my way to the vending machine then I saw Scoups oppa in the distance.

"Oh Scoups sunbaenim! Annyeonghaseyo!"


"Is there something wrong?"

"Jisoo.... He's not acting the way he is. I mean.. Normally he's a prankster and sort of a devil off camera but now he doesnt talk to us and keeps saying that he wants to be alone since he's thinking of something. It kinda bothers me since I'm the leader"

"Sunbae.. You cant control your members all the time. Sometimes they have personal problems that they cant share to others. Problems that are difficult for them to talk about. Dont stress it, sunbae. But since your the leader, It's your choice"

"Aigoo~ If only I could tell you" he mumbled and patted my shoulders before making his way.

You dont have to tell me anymore, oppa. I already know yet it still frustrates me everythime you guys are trying to keep it from me cause isnt better that they'll tell it so that we could work together and that I could understand the situation more thoroughly.

I just sighed on my thoughts and swiped my card on the vending machine. "How many should I get?" I mumbled to myself.

I took my phone and dialed Minghao's number.

[Miss me?]

"Haohao. Did you guys drank any drinks yet?"

[Hmm? We drank the drinks that Jeonghan hyung bought 2 hours ago. Aigoo Jisoo hyung spent 30 minutes there while Soonyoung hyung spent 1 and a half hour. Does it really take that long to sing a whole song?]

"Ne so can you now help me here?"


"I buying drinks. You dont expect me to carry 14 drinks by myself do you?"

[Arasseo. I'm coming]

I placed my phone in my pocket and started swiping my card multiple times for the guys. I placed them on the floor since I dont have multiple arms to carry everything.

"Soojin, annyeong!" I turned to where that came from and saw Jieqiong

"Oh annyeong! Practising again?" I asked her.

"Ani. We have three days break since yesterday. Woori manager just have something to discuss" she said.

"Ah aigoo I'm tired" I said and stretched my arms.

"Were you practicing?" she asks.

"Ani. Me and Jihoon oppa were recording the demo for the tracks of the girls' albums that is sang by Shua and Hoshi oppa" I said.

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