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The soft whistles of the wind, the light rain drops falling onto the ground making small puddles for me to see my reflection drowning in despair.

The rain. Not only does it remind me of a specific someone but also an umbrella which saved me from getting drenched one day, but did it save me yesterday?

I remember small moments which happened yesterday, the day I told him.

"Marinette?"  Adrien asked in confusion. "Is something wrong? What do you need to tell me?"

I was out in the heavy rain holding an umbrella, the umbrella he gave me as I was searching for my answer.


"Um.. Adri.. ADRIEN!" I had yelled in agony. "I've wanted to tell you this for a very long time."

"Yes? And.. What is it?"

I looked at him in fright but in pain as I planned to tell him after so long.

"Adrien... Adrien I love you!"

The words had echoed through my ears. I looked at his face which seemed speechless.

"Uh.. Adrien?"

His face turned from confusion to anger. He was furious. His cheeks began to form a red color as he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Marinette! I've always considered you as a friend! NOTHING MORE!" He harshly yelled at me. "Now that I know that you've always thought this way about me.. WE ARE DONE BEING FRIENDS!"

As soon as he finished speaking, my heart felt as if someone pierced the sharp end of a dagger through my heart. My heart was hurting.

He grabbed my umbrella and threw it across and it rolled onto the wet pavement.

I looked at him in shock as I felt drops of rain.. No, drops of water falling from my eyes.. It wasn't rain but my tears.


"DON'T ADRIEN ME!" He yelled, making me keep quiet. "I never loved you and never will!"

He left in anger and walked away from me, leaving me to be drenched in the rain.

After that day, I could not speak or even look at Adrien at all whether it was in school or outside.

I walk into my classroom with the class already half full.

"Hello, Marinette!" Ms. Bustier sweetly greets me with a smile.

"Hello!" I say.

I walk over to my seat in the class which is right next to Alya.

Alya waves her hand to me in excitement, "hey girl!"

I fix a smile on my face as I walk over and sit down. "Hi!"

I look over to see that Chloe enters the room with her beloved assistant.. I mean friend and also Nino comes in whilst greeting everyone.

He comes over to us and smiles, "hey dudettes!"

I nod as he sits down on his seat which was right in front of ours.

My eyes slowly roll over at the door, I see that.. Adrien walks in.

He walks over to his seat saying his 'hellos' to Alya and Nino.

I look to see that his eyes were about to set on me but I quickly turn away when I feel my heart in pain.

"Okay class!" Miss says. "It's time to begin!"

I feel that this pain is unbearable, this feeling was the same as yesterday.

I stand up with my hand in the air and say, "Miss, can I go to the Nurse's room.. Please!"

She looks at me in worry and says, "of course, Marinette!"

I grab my backpack and run out of the room feeling my hair fly in the air.

I don't think I can make it to the Nurse's room in this speed but I try to run to a place quite far from class.

I hide and stand against a wall.

I feel my heart at ease as I slide my back down and I sit onto the floor.

I breathe in and out trying to make myself calmer.

Love hurts and because of love I'm in this state today.

I zip open my bag and pull out a square framed mirror and I look at my reflection in anger.

I squeeze my eyes together when I feel that my heart is about to ache again.

"No.. No." I say in pain. "I'm not going to let this pain control me."

I open my eyes and carefully look at my reflection with full confidence and a small amount of rage.

"From this day on.. I promise that I will never fall in love with anyone ever again!"

My promise, my words all echoed through my ear as I begin to relax again.

My promise, my words all echoed through my ear as I begin to relax again

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