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I walk from one path to another and I stop at the front of the Louvre museum to see that the famous ice cream man, Andrè was there and his ice cream truck.

"Come on, come on! My little Persians!" He sang.

I walk over to his truck and greet him, "hello, Andrè!"

"Hello.. I see my favorite Marinette in the search of something!"

"Perhaps your delicious ice cream?" I say, clueless as to what he meant.

He laughs, "no I didn't mean that!"

"Anyways what can I get for you?" He asks. "A color from within your heart?"

I look at him, quite confused, "what do you mean by a color within my heart?"

"You'll see.." He says and starts scooping up the ice cream. "Hair as yellow as the rays of the sun, true emerald eyes and peach for his lips."

His? I promised myself that I'll never fall in love ever again so whatever Andrè is saying must be a lie.

"Thank you!" I smile whilst taking the ice cream.

I walk away and lick the delicious cream.

Mm! This is really delicious.

Cat Noir|10:30AM|OUTSIDE

I see the famous Andrè's ice cream truck and I quickly walk over to him.

"Oh! Wow! It's the famous Cat Noir ordering my ice cream!"

I smile, "of course, I really want to see if this is the best ice cream in Paris!"

Andrè smiles and scoops the ice cream out, "hair as dark as night, rare bluebell eyes and a heart made of sweetness."

I take the ice cream and thank Andrè, "Thank you!"

I walk away from his truck and begin licking the deliciousness.

I look up and surprisingly see Marinette sitting on the same bench as yesterday also licking Andrè's ice cream.

I run to her and sit down on the bench.


I hear a loud thump next to me which makes me jump as I turn to look and see Cat Noir having his ice cream.

"Cat Noir!"

He smiles and looks at me.

I stop licking my ice cream when I remember something.

"Cat Noir, about yesterday.. Can I ask you something?"

After a few licks, Cat Noir's eyes turned to mine, "yes?"

"Well.." I nervously say to him as I look away and concentrate on my empty hand, trying to find my confidence.

I turn to look at him again and say, "When.. I called you my.. Friend!"

"Are you my friend?!"

Cat's lips slowly form into a smile, "of course we are!"

He places his empty hand over mine and says, "friends til the end!"

I smile with excitement and say, "Well.. That's a promise!"

A promise I will never forget.

A few minutes later, Cat Noir left jumping from one roof to another as I decide to go home.

I walk upstairs to my bedroom and fall flat onto my stomach on my bed.

"It was.. A pretty long day!" I say with exhaustion.

"Yes, pretty!" I hear soft giggles come from Tikki.

I sit up on my bed to look at her properly, "what? Did I say something strange?"

She shakes her tiny red head and says, "no, Marinette! I just feel so happy that you have an amazing friend now!"

"Yes.. He is pretty amazing isn't he?"

I look away from Tikki and remember that night in my balcony where I cried my heart out to Cat Noir, well I was about to but he also felt the same way that day. It almost seems as if I could tell him all my thoughts and feelings without ever feeling so nervous or embarrassed. He's very special.

"Marinette. MARINETTE?!" I hear Tikki shriek, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look at her carefully and laugh, "what.. What did you say?"

She shakes her head and begins to laugh, "oh, Marinette!"

I cup my hands and hold Tikki inside, carefully looking at the adorable Tikki.

I come closer to her, placing a small peck on her forehead as I lean back, I release her from my hands.

I collapse back onto the bed with my back flat against the sheets.

What a day...

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