451 19 17

I turn away from Tikki.

With no words to say, I walk upstairs to my balcony where Tikki did not come and follow me.

I stand up with my hands tightly holding the railing of the balcony.

I look forward seeing that the sun was going down and the night was starting to rise as the colors of the sky begin to fade from a dark pink to a very light magenta.

I feel drops of water begin to form in my eyes.

Of course I like her! She's a very good friend!
She's just a friend!

Well we are not anymore.


I look up to see from afar a balcony above a small building which belongs to a specific someone who I broke their heart just yesterday.

Do I really feel bad for her?

Well she did take our friendship too far!

But even if, even if I do hate her my heart is speaking words that are echoing against my ear. Words which tell me that what I did yesterday was wrong.

I squeeze my eyes together when I feel my heart in pain, it feels as if someone was wrapping a heavy ball and chain around my heart, pulling it into the deep depths of sorrow.

"Adrien! Buddy! You okay?" I hear a voice and then I see Plagg right in front of me.

I open my eyes and look away in anger.

I take a few steps forward and say, "Plagg! CLAWS ON!"

In that second, I feel myself transforming into Cat Noir.


I hear light tapping noises of... Heels of a shoe, perhaps?

I turn around to my right to see something black which makes me yell, "Ahhh!"

But as the thing came closer and the light lit it up, I feel more relieved knowing that it was not a thing! But a specific cat in black.

Cat Noir walks over to me on his fours just like a real cat does.

"Uh.. Cat Noir?"

He fixes himself and he stands up straight.

He looks away from me for a few seconds with his hands gripping onto the railing.

He looks at me and smiles, "can I stay here for a while.. As in.. Hang out?"

I happily nod, "sure."

I look at him with confusion, "but.. Shouldn't you be.. I don't know.. Fighting villains?"

"I don't know." He says as if he was in slight pain. "I don't know if I should do any of that tonight! I don't really feel as if I am even Cat Noir."

Wow, I feel the same.

I sigh as I feel him turn to look at me, "um.. did you say something?"

I feel my cheeks burn slightly when realizing that I had just said something out loud without realizing.

"WHAT?! Errgh, no.. No I didn't!" I stammer.

"Ha! Ha!" He laughs as I begin to smile.

I look away from him, placing my back flat against the railing.

"I just feel.. That my heart was squashed by something really heavy. And.. I don't know how to stop this feeling."

"I'm sorry." He apologizes as if he was the reason why.

I quickly turn to look at him, "why are you sorry? You're not the reason why."

He closes his eyes as if he was trying to search for some words to say. He opens his eyes and looks at me with a smile.

"Don't be upset." He says. "My princess should never be upset."

My princess. His words were slowly fixing the deep hole in my heart.

I smile, "Cat Noir?"

I turn around, replacing my hands on the railing.

We look at each other.

"Could I ask you something?" I ask him.

He nods, "sure."

"Have you ever been in love?"

He looks down at the railing as his eyes were fixed to the railing, I could see the true green in his eyes, as bright as a cat's and as rare as a real gem.

He looks at me and gives a sigh, "I have.. Sort of.. But it didn't go as well as I thought it would."

"Same here." I agree with him.

"Sometimes you fall in love with someone but then.." Cat Noir says.

"But then you realize their too far for your reach." We say in unison.

We look at each other and begin to smile.

Cat Noir picks himself up and sits on the railing as we both look at the dark blue night sky.

With the moon above, lighting us with its beautiful glow.

We look at each other.

"Cat Noir."


"Thank you for everything!"

"No." He says, coming closer and placing his forehead against mine. "Thank you so much!"

I see Cat Noir getting ready to leave.

"Cat Noir!" I call out to him, making him turn to look at me. "If I ever need to talk to you.. How will I find you?"

"When my princess needs me, I'll be here right by your side."

Cat Noir goes away, jumping from one roof to another.

As I see him going away, I feel my cheeks form a red color.

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