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I look up at the sky, light blue with soft white cotton candy like clouds scattered across the sky and small to large pigeons flying as one, together through the clouds.

I look down at myself, remembering what happened 2 days ago when.. Cat Noir.. Kissed me.

I shake my head with warm red cheeks.

No! Cat Noir is my friend, he probably did it by accident since Cat Noir himself is very clumsy.

I also promised myself that I wouldn't fall in love… And I'm not - I just want to know why he did that.

Since those 2 days I haven't seen Cat Noir at all, who knows what's wrong with him?

I look forward and see Alya and the girls hanging out together.

They look at me and run towards me.

"Hey Marinette!" Alya says with a smile.

"Hey!" I say. "What are you all up to?"

"Well, we heard that the festival is going on even now." Juleka answers. "So we're going to check out some of those small markets that are open on the sidewalks."

"Wow!" I say, amazed.

"You wanna come with us?" Alex asks.

"Well, I really have nothing to do right now so.." I look for my answer and then say, "sure! I'd love to come!"

"Woo! Hoo!" The girls cheer all together as I giggle.

We begin walking towards the festival and stop at some small markets to buy some cool things. We stopped at a macaron store where they sell a variety of different flavored Macarons and different colors.

I grabbed a few more macarons for Tikki.

We walk over to a few more stores.

"Hey let's go to that one!" Mylen points at a store which I cannot see.

"Um, where?"

"There!" She pulls my arm and drags me over to a store.

"Ahh!" I yell as she tugs on my arm. "My-len!

She lets go of my arm and looks at me, "uh. Sorry!"

I giggle and say, "let's go then!"

I hold a few paper bags that contain a few amazing and colorful products, tight in my grip.

The girls get busy with this store.

I look up at the wooden sign which says in capitals: LUXY'S LUXURIOUS PERFUMES.

"Laah-kzy!" I try to pronounce the name on the sign.

"It's Luxy!" I hear a middle aged woman say.

I look forward, turning my gaze to her.

"Like Lucky but with a 'x' and 'z' in the pronunciation of my name!" The woman called Luxy says.

She smiles whilst giving small perfume samples to the girls.

"This one would be a good choice for you!" Luxy points her index finger at a very surprised Alya.

"Me? Why?" She asks the woman.

"You're full of laughter and jokes and with a sprinkle of surprises but even if so, you still have a great heart of love within you." Luxy says to Alya, handing her a perfume bottle that had the color of Nino's shirt and her orange skin.

Alya blushes whilst taking hold of the bottle.

"Now you're turn!" The woman points at me.

"Wha- no! I.. If this is about love I don't have anyone okay?"

The woman smiles in reply and then says, "you're shy but confident when it comes to many ways to overcome things and he is—"

The minute she said the word 'he' all the words and noises became muffled.

I turn away, slightly distracted when I see a person with blonde hair.

I could not see his clothing or anything else but his hair, however my heart begins to speed up.

Cat.. Noir? Is that Cat Noir?

No, I'm so stupid! There are like a thousand people living in Paris with blonde hair!

I shake my head and carefully look at the person with the soft yellow hair.

My cheeks form a red color as I focus on the person.

The person, the boy turns around, showing himself.

My eyes widen and my heart stops racing when I notice that it is not Cat Noir but.. Adrien.

I look down in despair and feel my heart being under a lot of weight.


I look away from Nino when I feel as if something.. No, someone close to me was here at this festival.

I slowly turn my head to my left when I see Marinette with her friends.

Marinette? What is she doing here?

I'm sure this would be the best time to apologize for that accidental kiss. But first I must transform.

I look back at Nino and say, "hey, bud! Could you hold my bags for a bit? I need to go to the bathroom."

Nino nods and takes all of my bags as I run towards the bathroom.

I enter on of the toilets, shutting the door behind me as I feel myself collapse to the floor in slight exhaustion.

"Plagg!" I call out, tired. "CLAWS OUT!"

Within that second, I transform into Cat Noir and I fly out of the window to get to the search of someone.

I feel the heat of the sun getting painted across my skin with beads of sweat dripping down my neck.

I soar thought the sky, waiting for a few minutes to find Marinette all alone.

I crawl down a street lamp like a cat and jump on my feet when I spot Marinette who seems to be left in a world full of sadness.

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