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We enter the beautiful room with plants hanging from above and beautiful jungle plants laid on the floor.

"Wow!" I say, stunned by the beauty.

"This is hideous!" I hear Chloe say. "Utterly hideous!"

I walk over to Chloe and say with confidence, "the only thing hideous is your attitude. If you don't want to do this practical, why did you even come to school?"

She looks at me with a scrunched up face and furiously says, "Well I NEVER!"

I shrug my shoulders and walk back to Nino.

"For this experiment we will be trying different ways to test how to nurture and make these plants look absolutely stunning." Miss says. "Since.. Not all of these plants have been taken care of perfectly and we need some amazing adjustments from my talented class!"

We all happily smile to her statement.

"And now you may begin!"

All of us scatter around the whole room, getting started with the task.

I sit down next to Nino who looks at me.

"So.. What should we do.. Captain?" He smiles.

I awkwardly scratch the back of my head and say, "he-he! Perhaps.. You can collect more plant seeds and plant pots for the new plants we'll be making."

"I'll be finding a watering pot and a few other materials which will help the strength of these plants increase." I say.

"And.." Nino begins to say but looks away. ".. What about my buddy.. Adrien?"

Nino looks at me with unanswered questions.

I look at him and say with a fake and forced smile, "he could help you as your job is quite hard!"

He smiles and nods, "alright, dudette!"

Nino runs away in excitement and I get to my job as well.

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