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Cat Noir stops jumping when he reaches the top level of The Eiffel Tower.

He places me on the floor as he walks away from me.

I stand up on my feet and look at Cat Noir who was resting his arms on the railing of The Eiffel Tower.

"Cat Noir?" I call out to him again but no reply, no words came from, just a sorrowful look and sigh.

I walk over to Cat Noir but slightly feel a bit scared so I keep a huge distance between us.

I hear his fist hit the railing hard, making the the loud noise echo.

"Huh!" I gasp in fear.

I look at Cat Noir who turns to look at me, "I'm sorry."

No words can escape my mouth at this point.

"I'm sorry." Cat Noir apologizes again.

I shake my head and say, "I am.. I.. It's okay.. Don't worry—"

I stop speaking when I realize that no words could even come out of my mouth.

I look down, away from Cat Noir and feel small drops of water rolling down my cheeks as I slightly sniff.

I hear Cat Noir's shoe heel tapping against the floor as it became louder and louder, I feel his fingers lifting up my chin.

I look at Cat Noir and notice the beautiful emeralds glimmer.

"I'm sorry, Marinette!" He apologizes again.

He uses his left thumb to wipe away my tears.

"I'm just really annoyed right now." Cat Noir says with his voice cracking as he said 'right now' as if something was stuck in his throat.

"It's okay." I say. "I also.. Have something to tell you right now-"

Cat Noir looks at me carefully as I start to speak again.

"About the festival.. Those tickets.. Well." I look at him steadily and say, "I'm not going to the festival! I found out that the day I wanted to go on.. It clashed with a very important.. Thing I have to do!"

Cat Noir looks at me with wide eyes.

I awkwardly laugh and say, "but don't worry! The festival itself isn't very important! So I'm okay with the fact that I'm not going!"

I feel my cheeks get painted red as Cat Noir walks over to me, getting closer and closer.

I feel my heart racing, each beat making me feel warm, not even warmer - hotter.

What's wrong with me?!

Cat Noir comes closer and closer til I could feel his heartbeats against my chest.

His face isn't very far from mine but close enough for his nose to bump against mine.

I'm out of words, what do I do?

His eyes were half closed as if he was a bit tired.

He cups his hands together and holds my head up as I take heavy breathes in and out before I stop.

Cat Noir closes his eyes officially, and so do I as he comes closer and pulls me into something I never intended to do with Cat Noir.

I could feel his lips - so soft!

The warm blood rushing up my arms and my own heart as I squeeze my eyes together as if this was some kind of strange dream that I did not want to wake from.

My hands placed on his leather suit which was already hot from my hands and.. Himself.

I feel our lips being parted and my eyes, flutter open as his face was quite far from mine.

Cat Noir.. Much different from the person that spoke to me in my balcony that other night.

Cat Noir pulls away from me, quickly turns away and jumps from one building to another, leaving me with warm, red cheeks and a heart racing a marathon.

Did.. Did we just kiss?

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