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Cat Noir|4:00PM|OUTSIDE

With slight anger, I jump from one building to another.

Why did I do that?! WHY?!

I just kissed Marinette.. Well sort of kissed her, my mouth touched hers just slightly.

I shouldn't have done that! She and I are just friends! And I'll apologize to her tomorrow.

I look at the sky and stop jumping to look at the sky and notice that the rain was becoming more heavy.

The drops of water, roll down from my hair to my forehead.

I'm not even in love with her and I just kiss her?

I collapse to the surface of a rooftop when I feel a drop of water roll down my cheek which isn't the rain.

"Claws off!"

A circle of white magic around me forms and Plagg comes out.

"Adrien, are you okay?"

I nod when feeling no words coming out of my mouth.

I spend a few minutes on the rooftop in silence but stop when I begin to speak.

"Plagg.. I committed a big mistake!"

"You only kissed Marinette!"

"She's my friend, not my lover!" I say in despair. "You're acting as of it was nothing!"

I stand up, getting ready to walk away as Plagg hops into my shirt.

I look up to the sky.

The rain, falling down onto my face and clothes, drenching it as I remember a specific day because of this rain.

That day when I was so rude to her, that day when I pulled out all my anger and threw it all onto her and that day when I grabbed that umbrella and threw it away.. So harshly.

I close my eyes and start thinking of Marinette.

I have to apologize to her, I have to tell her that the kiss was not intended.

My eyes widen when I remember what she said back at the tower about the festival.

"Marinette, you lied didn't you?"

You said all that so you wouldn't hurt my feelings but it still hurts because you were crying to go to that festival.. To make your wish come true.

I clench my hand into a fist and say, "that's it! Marinette, I'm coming for you!"

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