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I look up and see the yellowy orange sky was melting away into a dark blue and purple pretty sky, it looks like a dreamworld.

I smile but stop the brakes as I hear a voice.

"Hey Marinette!"

I look up and see Cat noir sat with his crossed legs on his bat.

I look at him in surprise, "uh.. Cat?"

My surprising moment has a big end to it when I hear Alya scream from the back.

She jumps up and ran to where I was.

"OH. MY. GOSH!" She slowly says in surprise.

She props up her phone whilst Cat Noir looks at her in surprise.

I look at Cat Noir, giving him an awkward laugh, "sorry.. About my friend. She can be a little–"

"Excited when it comes to superheroes?" I hear Cat Noir finish my sentence and then say, "yeah, I get that!"

I smile and turn to Alya who starts to jump up and down in excitement.

"Alya.. I.. I think you should put your phone down."

"And miss this amazing chance of meeting Ladybug? Never!"

I look at Cat Noir and say, "I have one more macaron left in my bag."


I nod and hear Alya's excitement and screams lower down as I reach for my paper bag that was once filled with macarons and now is left with one.

I pull the last macaron and slowly pass it to Cat Noir.

"Huh!" I hear Alya gasp in shock, "Marinette, you still didn't eat one!"

"You.. Didn't eat one?" Cat Noir questions.

"No, but that's okay! Because I can have some when I go home!"


For some reason, Cat Noir's smile slowly had faded away and formed a frown.

"Um.. Cat Noir?"

He looks at me, breaking the macaron in half and steadily passing the second part of the macaron to me.

Before I get hold of it, I look at Cat Noir and see the faint sunset's glow flash across his gorgeous green eyes.

I hold the macaron and look at its pretty color and notice that it was a pastel color of Cat's eyes.

I turn to Alya and ask, "do.. You want me to half it?"

Her smile changes into a smirk with her raising her eyebrow.

She says, "no.. No thanks!"

"Oh.. Okay!"

I slowly take small bites from the macaron and feel the deliciousness of the crispy top of the macaron sliding into my mouth and the sweet minty frosting.

"Mm!" I say.

I look at Cat Noir who was already finished eating and says, "so, where are you off to?"

"Well, it's getting dark and so I might just head home after dropping Alya to her house.."

"Nuh-uh!" I hear Alya interrupt me.

I look at her and she begins to speak, "girl, we are going to have the biggest sleepover ever tonight!"

"At.. My house?" I ask in confusion.

"Of course!"

I awkwardly laugh, "of course!"

I am not really up to it tonight, to have a sleepover with her.

"Well, you two have fun, okay?"

I look at Cat Noir and grin, "alright."

Cat Noir waves his hand goodbye and walks away like a cat.

I turn away and both me and Alya jump back onto my bicycle and we ride away back to my house.

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