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Cat Noir places me on my feet as I wipe my tears away.

I look forward and see that we arrived to a party.. A small house party.

I turn to Cat Noir and ask, "why are we here?"

"Just enter the room and see."

Cat Noir opens the door and we enter the room.

I gasp when I see everyone from class in a living room.

I see Alya and run to her, "why are you here?"

"Cat Noir told us it'd be better to cheer you up then just noticing your tears."

I look down then up and notice a yellow colored banner which reads: Feel Better Marinette!

I smile when reading the banner. I begin looking at everyone and notice that even Chloe and her best friend was present.

I notice Nathaniel getting a cup ready full of cola and I take hold of it whilst thanking him.

I gulp the drink down until it was finished.

Everyone begins to start eating and chatting together.

I grab the cup and walk away but I get stopped by Cat No it's arm.

"I just want to lie down."

He nods when understanding what I said and lets go of my arm as I walk away into a room, throwing the plastic cup on the floorboard.

I feel a bit tired as my body collapses to the floor when I feel not just my body but the whole world fading away.

Cat Noir|12:59AM|NINO'S HOUSE

Where is she?!

I begin tapping my feet against the floor impatiently.

Is Marinette not going to come back from wherever she went to?

"Dude!" I look up to see Nino in front of me and the tapping stops. "Go check out where the little dudette, Marinette is."

I nod as I turn away, searching for Marinette and I call her name continuously but there was no reply.

I stop and walk over to a room I didn't check before.

I gasp when I see Marinette on the floor, with half opened eyes.

I quickly fall onto my knees, picking her up onto my lap. I look at Marinette whose eyes opens when looking at me.

Her fingers, her hand slowly touches my cheek and she says, "Cat Noir.. I l—"

Her hand falls from my face when her eyes shut together, I gasp the same second.

I call out her name but she didn't reply.

With small tears dropping from my eyes and onto her cheek, I grab her and pull her onto my back into a 'piggyback position'.

In loss of hope I jump out if the window with Marinette on my back and I fall onto my knees but I jump back onto my feet and run to many different directions.

The sun's rays were slowly shining across the place.

I have a feeling that the flower will help, I just know it.

Once I reach the festival, I pick up my pace to reach the field of the flowers.

I run inside and place her on the ground to face the same flower that we faced before.

"Help! HELP ME!" I call out in despair until Master Fu and his brother come out.

Cheng runs towards me with a bottle of fresh water which I open the cap out to sprinkle some water on her face which seems to have had no effect.

I throw the bottle away and look at Master Fu and Cheng.

"Cat Noir, you must confess." Master says. "For that's the only way to help her."

"No, I don't love anyone, she's only my... My friend."

"C.. Cat NOIR!" I see Cheng point at something which made me turn to my right.

I gasp when I see the flower bloom but in such a monstrous way, with petals teared up and stem intertwined with snails and thorns.

The vines start reaching out for Marinette.

I try to grab hold of her but it took her away.


"What do I do?!" I loudly shout.

"You must confess." I hear a ghostly voice.

"No I-" I look up at the tall plant, the vines tightly wrapped around Marinette and her eyes which were half opened. "Marinette!?"

"Cat Noir.. What I wanted to say to you before was.."

Marinette screams in pain as I yell, "Put her down!"

"Cat Noir I promised myself that I won't.. That I'll never fall in love again but.."

She really promised herself that?

"But Cat Noir I love you!" She calls out.

I look at her with wide eyes and gaps slightly.

She fell in love with a boy who once shattered her heart into a million pieces.

"Let Marinette go!" I shout whilst she cries.

I have to do this. I have to use my Cataclysm to destroy that unearthly being.

"CATACLYSM!" I call out.

"Cat Noir, you'll only have a few minutes."


I press my hands against the stem of the flower and say, "I love you too, Marinette."

The flower gets destroyed and Marinette falls into my arms.

I place her on her feet.

I look at her when when noticing that I had only a few seconds left.

A spiral of magic flew across and around me til I showed my true self.

All I hear is a gasp.


I gasp when I see the boy under Cat Noir's mask.


"I'm sorry." He apologizes. "I deceived you. I played a different character so I could redeem myself."

"Adrien, it's okay." I say.

He looks at me and smiles. "I'm sorry that I could not make your wish come true."

"You did."

He looks at me on confusion.

"You made it true, it blooms for people with a fate connection and it boomed perhaps it not a very beautiful way but it still did—"

I feel Adrien pull me closer and leaning in and I could feel the warmth of his touch against me, making me blush as he tries to press his lips against mine.

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