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I look at Chloe's hotel with wide eyes and slowly walk over to it.

I walk towards the security guard who raises his eyebrow at me.

"Urgh! Not you again!" I hear him say in digust to me. "Go on! Get in!"

I fix a smile on my face and walk inside the hotel.

I see Chloe standing on the stairs with her arms crossed, she looks at me and for some reason it feels as if that smile of hers was.. Real.

"Uh.. Hi Chloe!" I greet her but she ignores me and walks over to me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came here because I wanted to invite all the girls.. And you for a meeting at my place about what we're going do together—"

"No, no, no!" I hear her interrupt me with repetitive ‘no's’. "Is 'together's' definition, me and.. You?"

"Um.. Not just me and you.. But all the girls and Sabrina."

"Well.." Chloe lets a sigh out. "I don't mind whoever comes. And I'll join you in this.. Meeting  you speak of."

I smile, thinking perhaps Chloe has actually changed–

"But!" She excitingly says. "The meeting will happen here.. Pr-onto!"

– Or perhaps I was wrong.

I awkwardly laugh and say, "sure.. Why not?"

"Come on now, let's find the girls!" She says, dragging me outside with her.

To.. I think I can finally say that we.. Together, Chloe and I began searching for the others. We went to Juleka's house first and that probably shook me the most–

"Hey Marinette!" Juleka said.

"Hi–" I was interrupted by something that sounded like a beautiful tune made by a guitar and that's when a boy with blue hair enters. "Uh.. Luka?"


"Wait, you know this boy?!"  Chloe screamed out of nowhere. "Who is he? Who.. IS HE?!"

I'm glad she cares about me!

After Juleka helps us find the others and we start the meeting inside Chloe's room.

"Alright, girls!" I say. "Any ideas what we'll do together?"

All the girls were sat together on the shiny floor as I was sat down on Chloe's bed and so was she.

Alya puts her hand up and says, "there's The Chocolàte Whirl!"

"What's that?" I ask.

"A ride to get dirty." Chloe says.

"No, Chloe! Whoever tries the many different ice cream flavors made by Andrè, you get to win a trip with a plus one to Hawaii!"

"Plus one, huh?" I say. "Are you not a bit too young for that?"

"No, I'll ask Chloe's Father to request for our school to go together!"

I look at Chloe who made a face as if she were to say, 'what did I get myself into?'

I laugh and look back at the girls and say, "okay, so we've got the main event about the rare flowers, check! The lightshow, check! The Chocolàte Whirl, Check!"

And I say, "and some of the other events we spoke about before."

"I can't wait to go!" Rose says.

"Neither can I!" I say.

We all go our own ways back home but I stay for a while to finish something up with Chloe.

Chloe walks over to me and says, "why are you not gone?! "

"I'd prefer if you'd say, 'is everything alright?' But whatever!" I mumble to myself and then say to her, "I'm just happy that you've changed a lot, Chloe and I really hope you make it to the festival."

I look down then back at her, "I bet it will be really fun with you!"

Chloe was about to open her mouth but for some reason, I didn't want to hear whatever she has to say so I pull her into a hug.

A hug which only lasted for a minute which then I turn away in embarrassment.

I walk away, getting ready to leave but I slowly turn to look at Chloe.

"Was that a... Smile?"

"Look away! You dork-asaurus!"

I quickly look away and run outside.

I grin when looking back at the hotel.

I guess I was right, that even the rudest, the darkest can smile the prettiest smile.

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