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"My wish was to–" I was about to tell him my wish but stop when I hear Cat say-



He runs over to me, pulling me by the shoulders and throwing himself and me onto the surface of the rooftop we were on.

I look up to see Cat Noir whose eyes were shut in fright but opens them quickly.

"Mari.. Marinette!"

He takes my hand and pulls himself and me off the ground.

He looks at me in worry, "are you okay?"

"Yes.. But I don't get what.. Why you saved me?"

"I saw something strange fly in the air.." He says with slight anger. "I think it was an Akuma."

"Akuma?!" I repeat.

"Yes." Cat nods and says, "if that Akuma reached you it would've take control of your mind, your thoughts and your positive attitude to this entire world."

I look at Cat Noir and smile in relief, "well, you saved me! Thank you!"

I notice that Cat Noir's fingers rolls into a fist, a tight fist.

Slowly, my eyes fly up to Cat's eyes who seems to be in anger, "are you all right?"

"If it was an Akuma that means that Cat Noir has to go." He says in pain. "But.. I don't want to. I don't want to leave you."

I feel a warm feeling pierce through the corners of my heart as I hear him say that. My cheeks turn to a light reddish pink color as my mouth drops but for what reason? I have no idea.

"Cat, even if you do leave me I'll be happy to know that you saved Paris again from another destructive Akuma!" I smile.

"I don't really pay attention to a lot of things.. It probably wasn't an Akuma."

"Perhaps not." I say. "But it's worth checking.. Just to be sure."

He smiles with light pink cheeks and he runs over to me, taking hold of both my hands and say, "oh, Marinette.. I love you!"

I love you! I love you?!

I look at him in shock.

He instantly lets go of my hands and looks at me in embarrassment, "Ahhh! I meant.. I love the fact that you're like that!"

"Really!" He says. "Marinette, I meant to say that you're the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for!"

I place my hand over my mouth and giggle.

After a few seconds, I hear Cat Noir laughing too.

"Marinette, I wonder how you could even deal with a strange cat like me!" He grins.

I laugh and say, "there are a lot of crazy things about you! But I don't care how strange you are or how creepy you are! I just really like you Cat Noir!"

He smiles with soft peachy cheeks, he places his left hand on my cheek, holding it but lets go as he walks away.

"Goodbye princess!" He waves goodbye as he leaves.


I turn away and I remember something which slipped from my mind earlier:

"Oh! I forgot to tell him my wish!"

Telling him and not telling him might define the same thing to me because even Cat Noir does not hold enough power to make my wish come true and make those flowers bloom.

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