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My cheeks turn pink when I see the glowing figure stand up.

As he.. Or it turns around I could see the face of this person.


It's Cat Noir.

"Cat Noir." I call out to him, in relief.

I walk towards him until I was just one step away from him. I like keeping a bit of distance.

I look at him and smile. But he wasn't smiling, it seems like something had upset him.


He turns away from me and sits down on the surface of the rooftop, with his legs forward and his arms to his side and his back in a relaxed position.

He gazes up at the moon.

I quickly sit down and imitate his position.

"Cat Noir, is something bothering you?"

"I should ask the same to you." He says.

My eyes quickly turn to him and so does my head.

I feel my cheeks warming up.

His eyes turn to me and says, "I'm sorry if I'm acting really strangely."

His voice- so cold.

His voice sends shivers down my spine as I turn away.

"What?" I begin awkwardly laughing. "Wha.. I didn't notice anything!"

I look at him and he starts to slightly giggle.

"Marinette, I know for sure that I'm not really sounding like myself today."

I look away from him and smile, "Cat Noir, if I noticed something I'm pretty sure I would've told you. It's not because I'm a very strange girl that you're not getting your answer but because.."

I look at him and complete my sentence, "because you're a very nice person, Cat and I know that you'll never be rude to me unless you have some kind of reason to be."

He doesn't say anything, I'm not sure about how he feels right now because of what I said but I hope he actually digests some of it.

Cat Noir|7:59PM|ROOFTOP

I have no idea why my heart is hurting.

In fact, I'm not sure if it's hurting or sending me some kind of message.

My heart begins to race and my cheeks start to warm up as I notice Marinette smiling.

She definitely is quite strange.. But I like that about her.


I look down at myself, remembering the argument I had with Alya just a while ago.

I feel water drops forming in my eyes again when I feel my heart in pain.


I turn to look at him and I see his smile drop as he looks at me in worry.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I nod, "yes.. I'm just a bit tired."

I notice that he was about to reach his hands out towards me but drops them, perhaps to keep some distance between us.

"Marinette. I should have told you this before but.."

I look at him carefully as he begins to speak again.

"I kind of know what's bothering you."

My cheeks turn pink in embarrassment as I look away from him for just a few seconds before I turn to look back at him again.

"Wha.. What?"

"I sort of.. Just a while ago.. Overheard your conversation with Alya when I was going to go to you to ask you something."

"Oh." I quietly say. "How much did you hear?"

"All of it."

I look at him and say, "she questioned your relationship between me and you."

His shiny eyes glimmer under the light of the moon.

"But that's no reason to be angry at your friend."

Cat Noir|8:11PM|ROOFTOP

"It is!" She says in anger. "It is if she questions our relationship!"

I look away from her and say, "you lost a friend because of... Me?"

I look at Marinette who shakes her head at my question.

"You're just my friend.."

As she said 'my friend' my ears instantly erase all the other words she says and repeatedly plays that word in my head.

You're just my friend. My friend. Just. JUST MY FRIEND!

After all, you do have the right to call me that after what I did to you.

"Um.. What did you say?" I hear Marinette ask.

"What? Nothing." I say.

Did I really just say that out loud?

"Marinette, you're an amazing friend, you know that right?"


I smile when I hear him end his sentence.

"So are you, Cat Noir."

I look at the moon and smile.

The cool breeze touches my skin and makes my cheeks cold.

I remember that I had forgotten to tell Cat Noir about what my wish was the other day.

Perhaps now would be a good time to.

"Cat Noir, do you know the other day I forgot to tell you what my wish was. Can I tell you now?"

I look at him and he says, "of course!"

"My wish.." I say, setting my eyes back on the moon again. "My wish was to see those flowers bloom."

I look at Cat Noir who looks at me in confusion, "urrgh.. Those flowers?"

I nod and say, "yup!"

"They are flowers which bloom once every 3 years in a field full of these flowers. Also they're rare so that's probably why you've never heard of them." I say. "Also, those who've seen those flowers bloom, they say that it changes their lives in the most beautiful way ever."

"However, I know for sure I won't be able to see those flowers bloom.." I say in despair. "Because they only bloom to those who are connected.. Who are made for one another. And I promised myself I won't fall in love with anyone ever again. So, it's likely for me to not see those flowers bloom."

I look away from Cat Noir feeling the deep sorrow piercing through my heart, making me want to cry but this painful feeling has an end to it when I look down and notice, Cat Noir's hands tightly intertwined with mine.

Slowly, I feel my cheeks warming up with the heat rushing up my blood and making my cheeks flush red.

My mouth slightly opens as I try to speak but stop when I hear something.

"Sshh!" Something about his voice sends cool shivers down my spine.

"Your wish will come true, I'm sure of it."

I have no idea why my words weren't able to escape my mouth but for some reason, his words touched my heart.

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