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"So, exactly how long are you going to stay here for?"

Both me and Alya, we were in my house getting the pillows ready.

I awkwardly giggle as she opens her mouth to speak.

"Marinette, you know this is a sleepover right?" She says with small giggles.

"Uh.. Yes!" I smile. "But.."

"But nothing, right?" She says. "Sleepovers mean staying overnight at your best friend's house."

"Right.." I agree with her.

"Anyways, let's get the sleeping bags ready!" She says in excitement. "Also.. You're not going to sleep in that are you?"

She points at my clothing. I look at myself - my jacket, cherry blossom designed T-shirt and pink jeans.

I quickly look at her again and laugh, "of course not!"

Alya smiles and goes back and gets everything ready again.

I look at her in sorrow.

The fact that I don't want to have this sleepover makes me sad because if I don't do it then Alya's smile will be ripped off her face and she'll be so upset.

I feel my heart in pain, my heart feels heavy as if someone dropped heavy weights on top of it.

I place my hands over my heart, feeling this awful pain but I drop my hands as I hear Alya.

"Marinette, could I ask you something?" Alya asks.

But she doesn't wait for my answer and continues, "since when are you great friends with Cat Noir?"

My eyes instantly set on her when she said Cat Noir.

I look at her and say, "well, it's nothing really."

"Oh, it definitely is something, girl!"

"It isn't!" I shake my head, annoyed.

She looks at me in shock as if she noticed something. Suddenly, her lips form that same smirk from before when I asked her if I should half that macaron for her.

"Marinette, you know you shouldn't be hiding things from me!" She says, excited.

I shake my head, "me and Cat Noir are just friends!"

"Okay, well how did you know that I was going to question your relationship between Cat Noir, if there isn't anything going on between you two?"

I feel my cheeks flush to a warm red color with the heat rushing against my cheeks, I feel warmer.

"Alya!" I yell. "Cat Noir is my friend!"

"Girl, I'm sure he's more than that!" She laughs.

"STOP!" I say with water forming in my eyes. "Stop!"

"I'm pretty sure you two are good enough to look like a couple."


Those words echo loudly through my ears as I feel the anger piercing through my heart, I slowly clench my hand into a fist and look at her in serious rage.

"That's it!" I yell. "This sleepover is officially OVER!"

"What?" She gasps.

"If me and him look good enough as a couple, do you know what me and you look good as?" I ask in anger. "As... Enemies. As people who hate each other!"

"Ma.. Marinette. You're my best friend!" She stammers.

"Best friend? Who?" I say. "I don't even know who you are anymore!"

I notice her cheeks forming a reddish pink color as tears stream down her face and she begins to grab her belongings and run downstairs.

I wipe the tears from my eyes that were about to drop.

I walk downstairs and outside to wherever I felt it was the best place I could go to so I could feel my heart at ease again.

I shiver as I feel the cool breeze tickling my arms as I walk. My pigtails begin to fly in the breeze.

I smile as I look up to the beautiful white illuminating ball that was laying high up in the sky with the stars.

"Like a painting!" I quietly whisper to myself.

Like a painting, the stars were painted as white dots across the midnight blue colored sheet of paper. Like a painting, the moon was painted as a glow in the dark white ball in the sky.

I smile walking towards the moon.

Of course, I can't touch the moon or walk towards it but I can dream, can't I?

I stop walking when I hear a strange noise.

"Purr! "

Did someone just purr?

I turn to my left and see a silhouette, the shape of a skinny person sat on a rooftop.

But I cannot see who that is with the light of the moon glowing onto that person.

I decide to walk towards the building anyways as my heart was still not at ease.

I find something which seems like a ladder to me and climb up to the rooftop.

Once I reach the rooftop, I see the beautiful, glowing silhouette whose lights flash across my eyes.

So beautiful that I cannot take my eyes away.

『When The Flower Blooms』Where stories live. Discover now