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"Marinette!" I hear a loud yell which makes me open my eyes.

I look up and see the whole class in a circle around me.

I feel something under me, I turn to my left to see that it was Alya.

I try to sit up but the pain scattered around my shoulders and legs and I could not get up.

"Marinette, are you okay?" Alya asks with worry.

"I.. I think so." I answer. "My leg.. My arms.. They're all hurting."

"You tripped, Marinette." Nathaniel says. "You should rest for a while."

I nod and I look at my hand which had a quite deep cut across it.

I look next to my hand, seeing the beautiful necklace which was in my hand, was broken into pieces.

I look at Miss, "Miss, I am so sorry!"

"It wasn't your fault." She smiles. "And I think the best thing for you is if we bandage your hand up and you should go home."

I nod as she takes me to the nurse's office and bandages up my hand.

I walk outside but I didn't go home, I walk out to go to the Louvre museum but instead of actually going inside, I sit outside on the benches with my backpack on the ground.

"Marinette!" I hear Tikki say but I did not look at her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. There is just a lot of things going in my mind right now."

"Mari-" she stops speaking when I feel a small thump against the bench.

I turn to my right and smile when I see that it was just Cat Noir.

"What a way to drop in?" I say whilst giggling.

He smiles, "well, I'm not very purrfect with words you see!"

I laugh to his ridiculous joke.

I look at him and see that his eyes were set on something and he looked worried.

"Marinette!" I feel him pull my right hand forward and he holds it. "What.. What happened?"

I pull my hand away from his grasp and say, "nothing."

"Please tell me.. What happened?"

"I just got cut by glass.. That's all!" I say in a voice for him not to worry. "It'll go in a few days."

"Marinette.." He looks around to find something to say, "I know! Come with me."

He jumps onto his feet and begins to walk.

"If you think I'm going to come.. You're cra-"

In that second, I feel him holding me in his arms and jumping from one building to another.

"Ahh!" I scream in fright.

I tightly hold him.

After a few minutes, he puts me down and I stand straight.

I look at where we were.. In a field of dandelions.. On top of a rooftop?!

I look at this beautiful place which I could not take my eyes off of.

"Oh, Cat Noir.. It's so beautiful!"

I look at him who was smiling, "I found this place yesterday and I thought it would be nice if I took you here with me!"

"Oh! Thank you!"

I look at the dandelions which seeds were flying in the breeze.

I pick a Dandelion out and I walk over to Cat Noir with it.

"Make a wish!"

『When The Flower Blooms』Where stories live. Discover now