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I look down at myself at my fingers but quickly look away when I hear my name being called.

I look up and see the guys coming my way; Kim, Nino, Max, Nathaniel and Ivan.

I smile as they walk over to me with excited faces.

"Hey guys!" I say.

"Hey Adrien!" Kim says. "So we're going to plan what we'll be doing at the festival!"

"Already?" I wonder. "New Year's is only one month away."

"In my calculations, it is not so far from this month so I believe that today is a great day to plan!" Max says.

"Yes! He's right!" Nino says, excited.

I smile, "well then, what plans do you have?"

Kim pulls out his right arm, showing off his muscles, "I heard there's a swimming event, I'd love to try that out!"

Nathaniel pushed Kim, purposely to make his arm fall.

He looks at me and says, "I'd love to try out the little art competition!"

"Wow, that's seems cool!"

"What-ever!" Max says. "I'll be trying out the math and science event.. On calculating the—"

"Alright, alright, we get it!" Nino says, waving his hand at the others to make them stop.

Nino looks at me and says, "are you not excited?"

"I am, it's just seems like since there is one month left, I can plan later." I answer him. "And don't worry Nino.."

I look away from him and complete my sentence, ".. We'll have an amazing New Year's."

I walk away from the guys and enter the boy's room.

I enter one of the toilets, shutting the door from behind.

Plagg hops out of my shirt and looks at me with an exhausted face.

"What's up with you Plagg?"

"You've been spending all your time chasing the love of your life and what about me? Oh, poor Plagg!"

"What did you say?!" I angrily yell at Plagg.

He looks at me with wide eyes in fright. He begins to shiver.

"Plagg, did you just say I'm chasing the love of my life?" I ask him. "For one thing, I don't love anyone and another thing, I haven't been chasing anyone."

"I mean.. Marinette!" Plagg says.

I point my index finger at Plagg and say, "I'm not in love with Marinette.. I just want to spend time with her as someone who she can tell everything to and so I can escape from this misery that's been attacking me for a very long time!"

Plagg looks at me carefully, "Adrien? Are you not lying at the same time?"

"Huh?" I say with question.

"You go to her as Cat Noir, she has no idea that you're really the one that hurt her heart."

I look away from Plagg, feeling a huge amount of pain drop onto my heart as I say, "I know, but I have no other way to speak to her. Plus it's better that I act as a jerk as Adrien and a.. Whatever she likes to call me as Cat Noir."

I look back at Plagg.

"Plagg, if you allow me to transform right now.. I'll find the highest quality of Camembert you can ever have in France." I request to Plagg who seems to have been licking his lips as I gave him the name of his favorite cheese.

"That's a deal, my old buddy, old pal!" Plagg agrees.

"Alright then!" I shout. "Plagg! Claws out!!"


I wave my friends and also Chloe and Sabrina, goodbye.

I walk away from them as I begin to smile.

"Marinette, why are you so happy?" I hear Tikki ask.

"I'm in a mix mood actually." I correct her.

"Oh, why is that?"

I shrug my shoulders and reply, "don't worry, it will take too much space from your head and you'll end up not being able to think anymore!"

I hear Tikki giggle from my purse.

I hope I get a chance to tell Cat Noir that I can't go to the festival.

My eyes fall, as I look at the road feeling my heart and having all this despair sewn into it.

I don't want to hurt Cat Noir and neither do I want to go with anyone else but him.

I walk forward but I hear muffled screams from both sides of my ears as I turn to see from both sides two large cars about to crash into me. I squeeze my eyes, shut as I scream.


A few seconds later, I feel my body, my arms, all inside a tight grip.

I look up and see Cat Noir who was holding me in his arms, not letting go.

His eyes set on something else as I turn to look at the same direction.

The two large cars did crash into each other and it seems that both drivers got into a very bad injury.

I look at Cat Noir but my eyes quickly take a small peak at his shoulders which were covered by his leather suit. Drops of rain lay on his suit.

With slight pink cheeks, I look away and up at him.

"Cat.. Noir?" I steadily say.

His face slowly turns to me.

I've never seen him so worried before.

I try to reach out my hand to take hold of his cheek but he stops me as he begins to jump from one building to another.

I wonder what's bothering him?

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