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I smile as Cat Noir stops singing.

"Are you going to see the flowers today?" He asks with a smile on his face.

I gracefully shake my head and reply, "no. We have to book tickets to go through the festival and with the tickets you can only see those flowers."


I turn away from Cat Noir when I feel my cheek form a reddish color and my heart racing.

I turn around to look at him again who looked at me with a face filled with many questions yet to be answered.

"Also, one ticket doesn't mean that only I get to go to the festival..."

"It doesn't?" He asks.

"Nope, it means that I can bring a friend with me!" I say with small giggles.

I notice that Cat's smile drops to a slight frown, "wonder who the lucky person is?"

His face turned away from mine.

Does he really think that I'm going to take some random person with me?

I cup my hands together, placing my hands under his chin and holding it up.

Slowly, his face turned and he looks at me.


I slowly turn to look at her, feeling her hands holding up my head.

I look at her with my heart racing a marathon.

She smiles and giggles.

"The person I'm taking with me is you, Cat Noir!"

I look at her with wide eyes before I pull her into a tight hug, my arms wrapped tightly around her.

My cheeks flush a red color as I close my eyes and feel my heart's beats echoing loudly against my ears.

I smile.

I don't know why I'm so happy. It's just a festival right? With a.. Friend.. If I'm just hanging out with a friend, why can I feel a wave excitement wash up onto me?

I carefully listen to a different rhythm which wasn't my heart but.. Hers.

It was beating as fast as mine.

Within that second, I quickly release her from my tight grip, feeling embarrassed.

I look away from her to calm down.

I look back and grin at her.

"Thank you!" I say.

"Uh.. Um.. I-" she stammers as I wave goodbye.

I turn away from her and use my bat to soar up into the sky, jumping from one building to another.

I stop to slightly turn to look at Marinette but I am to far to even find her.

But at least now my heart is at ease.


What was that? A strange feeling.

I turn around when I hear my name being called out continuously.


The silvery brown haired boy from before, Yuri.

He wasn't alone but with.. Nino?!

"Hi?" I say as they come to me.

"Hey dudette!" Nino greets me with a smile.

"What are you doing here, Nino?" I ask him.

"Well, just a while ago I heard this tune that's still playing now and I wanted to check it out! And so I found this little dude-" Nino points at Yuri and finishes his sentence, "-and he told me that there's a festival going on and so we just checked some things out together!"

"That's cool!" I say with a smile.

"Marinette, are you going to look around?" Nino asks.

"I wanted to." I look away then back at both of them. "And I think it will be more of a surprise once I actually buy the ticket."

"Totally understand!" Nino says with his hands up.

His hands drop when he says, "I also want to buy a ticket!"

"That's something I wanted to tell you about." Yuri says.

I look at Yuri and ask, "what? What's wrong?"

"Well, the next date that many people want to see the flowers are on New Year's Eve and the actual New Year's day." Yuri answers.

I look at both of them and smile, "I'm going to book for those two dates!"

"But.. Little dudette, it will be very busy!"

"But it will be extra fun since I read on a flyer that if the dates are set on New Year's then more special events will be open." I answer with excitement.

Both, Yuri, Nino and I nod.

"I'll see you two later then!" I wave goodbye to both of them as I walk away.

For New Year's day, I'll be at that festival.. Wow, I can't wait!

This will be the best New Year's ever!

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