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I walk over to Marinette who looks at me in surprise.

"Cat.. What are you doing here?"

"I need to speak to you."


I nod in reply and I take hold of her hand, pulling her into my grip and using my bat to jump from one place to another.

I decide not to speak to her whilst going where I wanted to go.

I place her on a bridge, looking away from her I say, "Marinette.."

"Before you say anything, I need to say something!"

I ignore her and look at her and say, "I'M SORRY!" Which she said with me at the same time.

I look at her with question and she did towards me too.

"Marinette, why are you apologizing?"

"Why.. Are you?" She asks.

"Because.. Because I ruined our friendship!" I answer whilst hearing my own voice crack. "Because I shouldn't have done something which corrupted our connection as friends."

She looks at me with teary and shiny bluebell eyes and says, "what are you saying? I ruined it by-"

I interrupt her by saying, "shh!"

"I.. I didn't want to intentionally kiss you." I stammer with small drops of tears forming in my eyes. "I.. I don't know why I did!"

She comes closer to me, placing her hand on my cheek, wiping away the tears that were about to fall.

I slightly grin when feeling the warmth of her hand against my cheeks,".. I'm sorry!"

I walk back, leaving her hand in the air as I walk close to her again, placing my right hand on her hand.

"Your hand is warm." I say.

She grins and says, "your hand is cold."

It felt nice! The warmth of your hand against the chills my hand gives off it made me.. Smile.

The sun begins to leave, making the night rise up and leaving us to feel cold.

As we both breathe in and out, a smoky cloud would escape our mouthes.

I smile as the heat warms up my hand.

A few hours later, I decide to take Marinette back to her home.

I place her onto her own feet when we reach her balcony.

I start to walk away but get stopped by her hand that was gripping tightly on my left arm.

I look at her and say, "is there anything wrong?"

She leans in, walking closer and wraps her arms around me, taking me by surprise as I place my arms around her.

I smile as I release her from the hug and I fly away with my bat.

I'm glad, Marinette that you forgave me but I wonder if I'll still be able to fulfill the other promise I made to you.

Will you be able to see those flowers bloom?

A/N: Hey everyone! I usually don't like interrupting my chapters like this but I just have to note something. Please watch the video above the title of the chapter, it barely has anything to do with this story/chapter but the song in the background is really nice and the characters make me think of Marinette and Cat Noir in this story. Also, what do you think, will Cat Noir be able to fulfill Marinette's wish? COMMENT| And Thank you ~ that'll be it for now, fly to the next chapter to continue!

『When The Flower Blooms』Where stories live. Discover now