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I smile as I change into a traditional Chinese red dress and fix my hair up a bit.

I can't believe the night has arrived for us to go to the festival.

I grab an extra jacket as the nights have started to become more chilly and cool.

Quickly, I run down the stairs after getting pulled into cheek kisses by both Mom and Dad. I walk outside and walk to the festival.

From a far, I could see the festival's lights shining across the whole place.

Colorful and vibrant lights fill the sky as I run happily towards the festival and stop once I reach the place.

I was stunned by everything, the beauty, the colors - it all felt like a dream!

I look around and spot the whole class and I walk over to them.

"Hey, Marinette!" Miss greets me. "You look amazing!"

"Hello!" I smile as I look around.

It seems as if the whole class was already here.

I look back at Miss and ask, "who are we waiting for?"

"Adrien still hasn't come."

I look down and squeeze my eyes together when I could feel those painful memories slip in again.

We have to wait for the one I'm not able to even look at, the one that cause pain in my heart.

I feel someone's hand placed on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Alya and the girls.

"You alright, girl?"

I nod with a smile across my face.

"Miss said if we want we can go." Alya says.

I nod and say, "let's go then!"

We begin walking together through the cold night, getting some food and entering some events.

I look forward and see the moonlight draw in something which I could not take my eyes away from.

A silhouette?

The shape of a person I could recognize instantly.

I set my eyes on the person for a while but I took my eyes away when Rose called my name.

"Marinette, let's enter the flower event!"

I slowly nod my head and say, "sure, let's go."

We enter the event together but I stop moving when seeing the beauty of this large area which is covered in beautiful flowers everywhere which were not in bloom yet.

I gasp when I look around from different directions.

I walk away from the girls as I start to walk forward.

"Marinette!" I hear my name being called.

I look forward and see Cat Noir stood right in front of me.

I run to him in excitement and say, "you're here?!"

He pulls me into a tight hug but releases me to look at me.

"Wow! You look pretty!"

I laugh and say, "uh.. I guess!"

I notice his cheeks were forming a red color as I look away in slight embarrassment.

I look back at Cat Noir and say, "let's go, okay?"

Cat Noir nods as I pull his arm with me and we sit down on our knees, staring at a flower which still hasn't made any progress.

"Cat Noir, what if it doesn't bloom?" I say with hopelessly.

"It will, we just have to wait." Cat says in a very reassuring voice.

I place my cupped shaped right hand against the side of the flower as I see Cat Noir doing the same to the other side with his left hand.

Slowly, my eyes turn to look at him.

His gaze was already at me.

I look at his emerald, gem-like eyes, shaped as an actual cat's.

I feel my cheeks warming up as I look away.

"I see that you're feeling quite impatient." I hear an elderly man say.

I look to my side to see a short Chinese man in a Chinese robe.

Master Fu?

"Master Fu?" I hear Cat Noir say.

The man nods and says, "I work here with my twin brother Cheng."

"You two have a strong connection.. Perhaps even a fate connection-"

"Fate connection?!" I repeat in shock.

"Yes, the flower blooms when one has confessed his true feelings towards someone."

I look at Cat Noir then at Master Fu.

"But.. But I'm not in love with anyone!" Cat Noir stammers.

"Don't worry, you'll understand.. First watch that."

We see Master Fu point his finger at the flower and we watch the floor which slightly moves.

I look at the flower in surprise when noticing that it was blooming, the petals were showing its colors but it stops moving.

I look back at Master Fu and say, "why has it stop moving?"

The master did not speak, perhaps he is as shocked as we are.

I see another man walking towards us.

"Brother." Master Fu calls out. "Why has the flower done this?"

Cheng who seems to have understand why the flower has stopped blooming, "I see. The flower is waiting for a true confession."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"One must confess to see the beauty bloom." Cheng says.

"But that makes no sense!" Cat Noir says.

I squeeze my eyes together when feeling my heart twist in pain. I feel as if something large was stuck inside the depths of my throat.

I stand up and walk away, annoyed.

I walk upstairs to the rooftop of the building.

I begin heavily breathing in and out as clouds escape my mouth. I tightly pin down my nails into the railing.

From a distance, I hear loud heels tapping against the surface of the building's floor.

"Marinette!" I hear Cat Noir's voice.

Tears begin to bubble in my eyes, giving me the urge to cry when I really don't want to.

I feel a warm hand being placed on my shoulder making me turn to my left, seeing Cat Noir.

His face showed me how worried he looked.

"Cat Noir.. I want to see the flower bloom!" I say with tears streaming down my face as I start to cry.. Cry out loud.

He tightly wraps his arms around me, he tries to calm me down but all I could do was cry.

"Marinette, I promised you something and I won't let myself break it." Cat Noir says, whispering right into my neck. "Marinette, will you come with me somewhere?"

"Anywhere.. Just somewhere away from here!"

Cat Noir releases me but holds me in my arms as he jumps away, soaring into the chilly night sky.

『When The Flower Blooms』Where stories live. Discover now