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My eyes flutter open when I feel the warm tickles of the sun's rays shining over my skin.

I get up from bed and get ready to go to school.

I grab my backpack and tiny purse and after getting a bag of fresh macarons, I run outside.

Once I reach the school building, I enter the school and walk up to my classroom.

"Hello, Marinette!" Ms. Bustier says, "how are you doing now?"

I grin and reply, "I'm doing great!"

I walk over to my seat and notice that Alya was not sat on her seat and neither is she here in the classroom.

I see Nino who was sat down already, I lean over my table and whisper, "hey, Nino!"

Instantly, his head swings around and he looks at me, "yeah, dudette?"

"Is Alya in?" I ask, sitting back down on my seat.

He shrugs his shoulders and says, "I have no idea! She texted me and said that she will come but now I'm not so sure of it."

"Maybe she ran into some trouble." Nino grins. "Perhaps someone stole her phone or maybe.. There was no WiFi!"

I giggle but my smile fades away as I look away from Nino.

If Alya is not present then she and I won't be partners for the upcoming practical that we will be doing.

I feel a light tap against my left arm which made me look up, it was Nino.

"Marinette, don't worry about it!" He smiles. "If she doesn't come in a few more minutes and neither does Adrien, I'll be your partner! 'Kay?"

I slowly nod my head.

I look away when I see Chloe enter the room with her B.F.F, Sabrina and then I see at the door that.. Adrien appears.

I look down in sorrow when I have a strange feeling in my heart.

"Since now that everyone is here.." Miss starts to announce something, ".. You may now choose your partners for the practical we will be doing."

I see everyone choosing their partners; Max and Kim, Juleka and Rose, Mylen and Alex, Nathaniel and Ivan, Chloe and Sabrina and lastly.. Nino and Adrien!

I look up at Ms. Bustier who was looking at me in concern.

"Alright! Alright!" She says, waving her hand in the air to stop everyone from talking so loudly and then says, "Everyone has picked a partner but since Alya is not present, Marinette has to be in one of your teams."

My head slowly lowers down in despair when no one aks me to join their team but after a few seconds I hear so many of them calling my name.

I look around and see Kim and Max smiling and asking me to join and Juleka and Rose asking too.

I look away when I feel the same tap on my arm as I felt before.


"Um.. Yes?" I wonder.

"Do you want to be in my team?" Nino asks.

I look at Nino who reminded me of a small puppy in sadness, asking to play fetch.

I look away from him and look at him.. Adrien whose eyes were focused on something else.

I turn to Nino again who lowers his head, "oh, I understand."

I clench my hand into a fist and say, "alright! Nino, I want to be in your team."

"Alright everyone! Let's head to the arts room also known as the room covered in pretty plants!" Miss smiles. "I have a great task for you guys today!"

We all head to the room.

As I walk next to Nino, I notice Adrien picking up the pace and walking away from us.

I look down, concentrating on my fingers.

I look up and enter the arts room.

The room which painted a smile across my face.

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