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My eyes flutter open as I hear beautiful beats and a sweet tune which makes my heart speak in joy.. Maybe not speak but sing.

I smile as I get up.

"What is that beautiful tune?" I ask myself.

I jump from my bed as I begin to hum this beautiful tune which could not escape from my head.

I run downstairs, still in my shirt and pink sweatpants and once I reach the bottom, I turn towards the kitchen.

"Mama!" I call out. "Mama? Mom!"

"Yes dear, I heard you the first time!" She giggles.

I giggle too, "sorry! I just want to ask.. What is or where is this beautiful tune coming from?"

"I'm sure it's coming from outside." She replies with a smile whilst holding a basket full of clothing. "Why are you asking?"

"It's so nice!" I say with a relaxed voice. "Well, it sounds amazing!"

"If you want you can go out and find out what it is!"

"Oh, Mom!" I walk over to her, placing a small kiss on her forehead. "You're the best!"

She smiles as I walk up the stairs to change into my regular outfit; a gray colored jacket, cherry blossom designed shirt and pink jeans and pink flat shoes.

I quickly place my purse over my shoulders and run outside in excitement.

"Woo! Hoo!" I cheer in excitement.

"Wow, Marinette!" I hear Tikki say. "I also wonder where that amazing unearthly sound is coming from."

I giggle and say, "oh, Tikki! You only find it unearthly as you never lived in Earth!"

I hear Tikki giggle as well.

I run faster than ever with the breeze rushing down my neck and my pigtails flying from one side to another, I stop when I spot something.

A crowd of people from a far.

Why are there so many people here?

They all are singing to the beautiful song in the back that I was humming back in my house.

The sun was up and its heat was warming up my skin.

I look down at my purse noticing that Tikki was already hidden in my bag.

I look away in confusion and run towards the sea of people and stop when I realize that I should keep some distance.

I look around seeing the flower shops open so early.

"They never open this early!" I say to myself.

"Its because–"

I turn to my left and scream, "YAHH!"

Perhaps I wasn't speaking to myself after all.

A boy probably of my age with silvery brown hair and silver eyes, laying his head on the side of a flower truck and touching all the petals.

"I didn't mean to scare you." He says with a very chilled and cold voice.

I look at him, feeling my cheeks flush red in embarrassment.

I awkwardly laugh, "heh! Heh!"

He smiles or what seems to have looked like.. A very small smile.

"The festival of flowers just began."

I look at him with wide eyes, "I forgot about that!"

He nods.

"All the streets will be busy then!" I say, looking at his chest pocket and noticing a label which said his name on it: Fuyuko Yuri.

"Fu-yu-ko!" I try to pronounce his name.

"It's Yuri." He corrects me. "And it will be really hard for me to work here with all these people."

"Wow!" I say with amazement. "You work for the festival?!"

"Well, a small part of it.. Yes I do!" He says with a smile.

"My name is Marinette!" I introduce myself to him. "And I want to watch the flowers bloom."

He looks at me I'm shock, "you mean the flowers which bloom in this festival only and bloom when two people have a fate connection."

I look at him carefully and nod in a slow movement, "yes, is there a problem?"

He laughs, "of course not!"

"Except.. I'm not in love with anyone but I still want to see those flowers bloom."

"I hope you get to."

I smile and reply, "thank you!"

"Flowers blooming, huh my princess?" I hear a jokey voice from my my right and look and see Cat Noir, sat on his bat.

"Cat Noir?!"

"Hi!" He waves his hand at me and then drops it. "So, what are you talking about?"

I look away from him then back and say, "you know those flowers that bloom which I told you about 2 days ago?"

Cat Noir nods.

"Well, the flowers bloom within this festival!" I say in excitement. "Of course you can't see the flowers straight away you must go through many activities first!"

"Wow!" Cat Noir says, amazed. "How long does this run for?"

I look at him and say, "well, last year it ran for  1 month, although I'm not sure about this year."

"I know!" I hear Yuri interrupt me.

He begins to walk to where I am and look at Cat Noir and say, "this year it's going to run for 2 to  3 months."

"Thank you!" Cat Noir says to him. "Yu– Yuri."

Yuri nods with a smile, "anyways, I've got some work to do, if you want I'll see you after my work?"

Both Cat Noir and I nod.

"We'll see you here!" I say whilst he walks away.

I turn and look at Cat Noir who was singing to the pretty tune in the back.

『When The Flower Blooms』Where stories live. Discover now