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I open my eyes as I feel the cool breeze touching my skin. I get up from bed and get ready.

I quickly have breakfast and go to school.

Fortunetly, I didn't need to transform to Ladybug and so I'm not late.. Probably the first time in a billion years!

I walk inside whilst Ms. Bustier was greeting everyone.

"Hello Marinette!"


I walk over to my seat and we get ready with the lesson.

Ms. Bustier walks to the front of the classroom.

"Class, we are not doing any Geography today but we are going to be doing a lesson that involves a lot of teamwork."

"TEAMWORK?! That's so boring!" I hear Kim from the back say, annoyed.

"Actually, this will benefit you a lot Kim." Miss says with a smile. "And now we have to go down to the gym area where you normally do your P.E. lesson."

I look at Alya with excitement, "what if we get partnered up with each other?"

"Then I'll throw a whole party to celebrate!" Alya smiles.

But my smile drops to a confused frown, "are.. You being sarcastic?"

"No Girl! I actually mean it!"

I smile and say, "woo! Hoo! Let's get going then!"

We walk together as the whole class gets up and we begin walking to the gym area.

"Alya, I'll be so ha-" I start to say but I get interrupted when I feel a hand on my shoulder which makes me turn to my right to look.

Rose and her best friend, Juleka. They smile as they look at me.

"What's up, Rose?" I ask her.

"Nothing really but we really hope that we will be playing games!" Rose says in her soft, sweet voice.

"Games?" I wonder. "I kind of hope so too."

After a while we were finally here, in the gym room.

We all stand in a group with Ms. Bustier up in the front.

"Okay class!" She says. "Right now I will be picking your partners."

"But Miss!" I hear Kim whine.

"Kim!" She looks at him, annoyed.

Miss looks at all of us and says, "Okay.. Rose with Max."

I see Rose turning to Max who shakes her hand.

"A sweet girl with a tech genius. Ooh! I smell a perfect duo.. In team wise, I mean." Miss says in excitement. "Kim.. And.. Juleka."

I look at Juleka who begins to smile as she sees Kim approach her but her smile seems to fade away as he came closer. What's up with that?

I turn back to Miss, hoping that I get paired up with Alya.

"Mylen and Nathaniel." She calls out their names. "Ivan and Nino."

There's only me, Alex, Alya and.. Adrien left.

I look at Miss and I make hand gestures which I point my hand to Alya and then to me, showing her that I badly want to be paired up with Alya but my hand drops when she looks away from me.

"Alya and.. Alex." She announces.

My mouth drops as I see Alya and Alex being paired up with each other.

I feel my heart pounding against my chest as if it wants to rip out.

"Marinette.. And.." She begins to say. ".. Adrien."

Adrien. Adrien. ADRIEN! ADRIEN!


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