Chapter 3

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The next few days went by in a blur. Raven hardly spoke to me during those few days. When the day of initiation came, I decided to attempt to speak to her. I walked up to her slowly and smiled.

"Um... hi Raven," I said.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to say hello. Good luck with initiation today."

She just stared at me blankly. "Thanks... I guess. I'm leaving now."

With that, she turned away and started walking toward the cliff, where initiation was going to take place. After I got everything situated, I made my way to the cliff as well. Ozpin and other students were already there, waiting for my arrival.

"Miss Rose... I would highly suggest that you do your best to arrive on time. Initiation was set to begin a few minutes ago," Ozpin said.

"I'm sorry, Professor," I said, walking toward the only space available. Qrow was standing next to me. Once he noticed I was there, he smiled.

"And I thought I was the one always late," he said.

I shot him an annoyed look as Ozpin cleared his throat to speak.

"Now that everyone has arrived, I will go over your objections for this task. You all will be launched from this cliff into the air where you will be expected to perform your landing strategy. The first person you will encounter from there will be your partner for the rest of your time here at Beacon. The other two people you will meet are going to be apart of the team you will be assigned. You four will then go the the shrine north from here and collect a relic, and then you will meet up here to be graded. Good luck to you all and remember to do your very best."

One by one, everyone was launched into the air.

I used my cloak to glide through the air. It seemed to be working fine until I found myself a few meters away from falling to the ground. I quickly unsheathed my sword and drove it into the ground below me. I guess my feet weren't as firmly placed on the ground as I thought they were. As soon as I landed, I flipped backwards and hit the back of my head against a nearby tree.

With my head throbbing, I got up shakily and tried to walk forward, but stopped suddenly when I heard a sharp snarl. Turning around, I saw a large Beowolf lunging toward me. Before I could move, I saw the shine of a blade sticking out the the Beowolf's head. The blade was quickly removed and the Beowolf disintegrated. I saw Qrow holding his sythe inches from my face.

"You okay? I saw you hit your head pretty hard," he said.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Thanks for the backup."

"Anytime. I guess this makes up partners, huh?"

I smiled a bit. "I guess so. I'm glad it's someone I kind of know and not some stranger."

"I'm with you there. Ready to find the rest of our team?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."

After walking for a little while, I started to hear voices coming from the distance. It sounded like arguing.

"Do you hear that?" Qrow asked.

"Yeah. It sounds like some people are nearby. Should we check it out?" I asked.


I brushed aside the branches that were in my way as Qrow and I walked closer. The voices were clearer now. And I could see Raven arguing with a young man with blonde hair.

"...It has to be this way."

"How do you know, Raven? We don't have a compass," another voice said.

"And who's fault is that, Tai?" Raven shouted.

"Will you keep it down? You'll attract Grimm!" Tai snapped.

I walked forward and stepped between them.
"Alright, there's no need to fight. I have a compass we can use."

"Great. It's you again," Raven snapped.

"What's your problem with Summer? She's only trying to help," Qrow said.

"She acts like a child. She's too young to be here."

"There are plenty of students that are younger than us, Raven. Can we move along now? I want to get out of here."

I brought out my compass and looked up ahead. "North is this way. Come on everyone."

"So... we've yet to formally introduce ourselves. My name is Taiyang, but you can just call me Tai," Tai said, as he walked beside me.

"I'm Summer. It's nice to meet you," I said, smiling.


"Hey... is that the shrine Ozpin was talking about?" Qrow asked, interrupting the conversation.

I looked up and saw what he was talking out. An old building stood a few feet away.

"I assume so. Do we just head inside or what?" I asked.

Before anyone could answer, there was a loud shrieking noise. Three Nevermores were flying towards us.

"Sounds like we have company," Tai said.

"What do we do?" Qrow asked.

"You and Raven handle the one to the right. Tai, you can take care of the left one. I'll get the one in the middle," I said.

Raven glared at me. "I don't take orders from you."

I glared back. "You will if you want to survive. Now get to work."

Raven didn't say anything and darted to the Nevermore with Qrow following close behind. Tai had already started fighting the Nevermore to the left. I watched as he punched it right in its skull, cracking it. He then grabbed it by the beak and tore the head clean off.

I didn't have time to admire Tai's fighting skills. The last Nevermore was headed strait toward me. I swiftly took my sword and leaped into the air. I then stabbed strait through its skull. I then quickly slashed at the wings until I saw the Nevermore disintegrate.

"Nice one, Summer," Tai said.

"You weren't so bad either," I replied.

"Well, that was fun," Qrow said. "Let's head inside and grab the relic."

When we walked inside, the entire shrine was empty except for several pillars with chess pieces on them.

"Really? Chess pieces? What kind of relics are these?" Raven asked.

I walked over to one and examined it. "I guess we can take the white knight piece."

"That's fine with me," Tai said.

I grabbed the chess piece and we headed back towards the cliff.

"Now all we have to do is wait for the announcement of the teams," Qrow said.

"I wonder what our team name will be?" Tai wondered.

"I don't really care," Raven mumbled.

The ceremony started soon after everyone arrived back at the school. I was tuning out most of it until Ozpin finally got to us.

"Summer Rose, Qrow Branwen, Taiyang Xiao Long and Raven Branwen. You four have collected the white knight piece. From this day forward, you will be known as Team STRQ (stark). Lead by... Summer Rose."

I stared at Ozpin in disbelief.

"Wait... what?!"

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now