Chapter 5

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The next few weeks went by smoothly. The new classes that we were assigned to proved to be quite harder than our former classes.

"A quiz every week? That's insane," Tai said, as we walked together toward the cafeteria.

"Stop complaining and just do the work," Raven said behind us.

"I have been doing my work, thank you very much," Tai snapped back.

I ignored them as I walked into the cafeteria and sat at a table that was far away from the other students. Raven and Tai joined me a few moments later.

"How about we study together? I could help you with your hand-to-hand fighting, and you can help me with the quizzes in that Grimm class," Tai suggested.

"I think that's a great idea," I said.

Raven sighed. "Fine. When do you want to do the study sessions?"

I was half tuned into their conversation until Qrow sat next to me.

"Hey Summer," he said.

"Hi Qrow. Are you prepared for our mission?"

Before he could answer, Tai spoke up.
"Wait. What mission? I didn't know about that!"

"Apparently, Ozpin wants us to take care of some Grimm that are occupying the outskirts of Beacon," Qrow explained, taking a drink of his flask.

"I thought we weren't supposed to go on our first mission until at least a few months," Raven said.

"That's what I thought too. I guess Ozpin thinks we're ready. He did put us in advanced courses," I replied.

"Still... I think it's a bit odd..."

"You think that about everything Ozpin does," Tai said.

"I'm sure it's just a test or something. Maybe he wants to see how we'll handle ourselves on a mission?" I asked.

"Then couldn't he just wait until everyone else goes on their mission? Why do we have to do it this early?"

"Take it as a complement, Raven. Ozpin sees us as capable huntsmen. You should feel honored," Qrow said.

Raven crossed her arms and sighed. "Well I don't feel honored. I feel creeped out. Something seems off about Ozpin. I just can't out my finger on it..."

"You say that about everyone," Qrow snapped. "I swear you're the most paranoid woman on Remnant!"

"I have a right to be paranoid, Qrow. People have tried to kill us back when we lived with our tribe. You can't trust anyone."

"What about Summer and Tai?" he asked.

"Summer is basically a child. And Tai is... Tai. They might be my teammates, but I don't trust them."

"That's... a little harsh," Tai replied.

"And besides," Raven continued. "We didn't come here to be huntsmen. Don't forget that, Qrow."

I stared at Qrow. "What is she talking about?"

Qrow signed. "Great. I thought you would keep that to yourself, Raven."

"You didn't answer my question!" I said.

"Summer... Raven and I aren't attending Beacon to become huntsmen like you and Tai. We're attending because we're trying to learn how to kill huntsmen."

I was shocked to the point where I couldn't speak.

"What?! And you're just now telling us this?" Tai asked.

"Tai... Summer, I never intended to keep anything from you. This is just something my sister and I prefer to keep to ourselves," Qrow explained.

"I... excuse me," I whispered.

I quickly stood from my chair and ran out of the cafeteria. Once I was back to the dorm, I covered myself with my bed sheets. I didn't know how much time had passed, but I heard the rest of the team return at some point.

"Uh... come on, Raven. Let's do some studying together," I heard Tai say.

"What? But I—"

Her voice was cut off by the sound of the door slamming shut.

There was silence for a few seconds.

"Summer?" I heard Qrow asked. "Can we talk?"

I slowly removed part of the bed sheets and peeked at him.

"What do you want?"

"I... I wanted to apologize for earlier. I should've never kept anything like that from

"How am I supposed to trust you now, Qrow? Your words frightened me. Now I have no idea what to expect from you. Are you going to kill me just like you plan on killing other huntsmen?" 

"No, of course not! I would never do anything to harm you, Summer. You're my teammate... and my friend," he replied.

I was quiet for a moment. Qrow thought of me... as a friend? I removed the covers and sat up to look at him.

"Very well. If we are really friends, you have to make a promise to me."

"Okay," he said.

"I want you to promise me that if anything like this comes up again, you'll tell me about it. I want to trust you Qrow, I really do, but I can't if you keep things from me," I said.

He nodded. "I promise."

"Good. Now how about we start packing? We have a mission in a few weeks."

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