Chapter 32

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I was already sitting at one of the computers when Raven caught up with me.

"I told you to wait," she snapped. "And why are you on the computer? I thought this was my job?"

"Oh. Right. Sorry," I said quickly, getting out of the chair.

Raven sat down and started to type in something.

I leaned forward towards the monitor.
"What are you looking up?" I asked.

"The database. If there's anything on Arthur Watts, it'll be there."

After typing and clicking for a few minutes, I saw a document appear.

"Hm... according to this, he was a former medical student. He also did some programming as well. That's an interesting combination," Raven said.

"What about his criminal history? Has he been charged with anything?" I asked.

She scanned a few more documents.
"He's been charged with robbery. He was the one who robbed that dust shop a while back. There's not much on him unfortunately."

I frowned. "That's disappointing."

"Well, we found out all we could. Hopefully Qrow will have better luck during scouting."

I smiled a bit. "Yeah. He'll definitely need it."
We headed back to the dorm around late

"Do you find anything?" Tai asked.

I shook my head. "Not much. We found out that this Arthur Watts was a former medical student and he has some experience with programming. Other than that, we couldn't really find anything else."

"I'll start scouting by the dust shops near the school. Maybe he'll turn up to one of them and I can figure out what his plan is," Qrow said.

"Good idea. I'll start getting things ready," I replied.

"I'll help," Tai said.

"I'll come with you, Qrow. We'll cover more ground that way. You don't mind, do you Summer?" Raven asked me.

"Not at all. I think that's a great idea, Raven. Let me know if you find out anything," I replied.

Raven nodded. "Will do."

It wasn't even an hour after they left when I heard Qrow's voice in my head.


I jumped, startled.
Qrow! You scared me!

Sorry. I just wanted you to know that this Arthur guy is at a dust shop right now. If we act fast, I think we can ambush him and stop him in his tracks.

Got it. What's the address?

Qrow quickly gave me the address and I typed it into my gps on my scroll. The dust shop wasn't too far away, but I would need to get there fast. I walked over to Tai's bed and noticed he was sleeping. I shook him awake.

"Come on, we need to go," I ordered.

He looked confused. "Where?"

"To the dust shop. Qrow is already there. I imagine Raven is there too. We have to hurry before Arthur escapes."

Tai slowly stood to his feet. "It's going to take a little while to get there. We could take a bus or something, but..."

I was thoughtful for a moment. Then an idea suddenly came to me.
I wrapped my arms around his waist. He tensed a little.

"Uh... what are you doing?" he asked, sounding a bit uneasy.

"I'm going to get us to that dust shop," I told him.

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now