Chapter 18

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Raven eventually came back later that night.
"I'm... sorry the way I stormed out like that," she said.

"It's okay. We all have our moments," I replied.

"Tai explained some stuff and I'm feeling a bit better about the situation. I just hate being left in the dark," she whispered.

"Let's not worry about that right now. Did you guys know there's a dance tomorrow night?" Tai asked.

"A dance? Why?" I asked.

"It's an end of the semester type thing. I thought it would be fun to go and get our minds off things."

"Why didn't you tell me that there was a dance?! Now I have to go get my dress at the last minute!" I said.

"I thought you knew," Tai said.

"No, I didn't know. What am I supposed to wear?!"

"I could help you pick something out tomorrow," Raven said.

"Thanks Raven," I replied.

"Let's just get some sleep. I don't know about you, but I'm tired," Qrow said.

We all nodded in agreement and settled into our beds.

The morning came too quickly. I awoke just as the sun was rising. I walked over to Raven and started to shake her gently.
"Raven... wake up!"

Her eyes opened slowly and she looked very annoyed.
"What? I'm trying to sleep!"

"We need to go dress shopping!"

"But it's not even seven in the morning!"

"We need to hurry before all the cute ones are taken!" I said, pulling her arm.

Raven swatted my hand away and sat up.
"Ugh... fine. Let's get ready and we'll head out around eight. Sound good?"

I squealed. "Yay! I love shopping!"

Raven groaned and got in the shower. After we were both done getting ready, we headed towards the door.

"How can two women make so much noise getting ready?"

I turned around to see Qrow sat up in bed.

"I'm sorry. Did we wake you?" I asked.

"Yeah, you kinda did. Where are you two going this early?"

"Dress shopping! The dance is tonight!" I exclaimed.

"You two have fun. I'm going back to sleep."

Raven and I got to the dress shop around eight.-thirty. Since the place only recently opened, there weren't many people inside.

"Perfect! Let's go see if they have any cute dresses on sale!"

Raven sighed. "It's too early for this."

After dragging Raven around for at least an hour, I saw a dress near the back that caught my eye. It was silver and was made of a soft and shiny material and it was sleeveless.
I examined it and held it up for Raven to see.

"I like this one. What do you think?"

"It's nice. It brings out the color of your eyes," she said.

I grinned. "I'm going to try it on. I'll be right back."

I went into the changing room and tried on the dress. The length went past my ankles and it fit perfectly.
I walked out of the room to show Raven. She smiled a little.

"I like it. It suits you."

I smiled widely. "Thanks! Now to find some matching shoes!"

"You do that. I'm going to see if I can find a dress."

After looking around a bit, I found a pair of silver sandals that I thought were cute. I met Raven near the checkout.

"Did you find something?" I asked.

She nodded and held up and long elegant black dress.

"That's pretty!" I said. "What shoes are you going to wear?"

"I have a pair of black high heels. What about you?"

"I chose a pair of sandals. I can't walk in high heels."

After we had paid for everything, we decided to head to a nearby bakery.

"So... do you have a date to the dance yet?" Raven asked, sipping her tea.

I shook my head. "No. I thought about asking Qrow. What about you?"

"Tai asked me last night. After I had stormed off, he tracked me down and eventually the topic of the dance came up. He asked if I wanted to accompany him and I agreed."

"That's cute! I think you two make an adorable couple."

Raven blushed a bit. "We aren't exactly dating yet, but... thanks."

After we had finished eating, we made our way back to the dorms and laid out our dresses on our beds.

"I wonder where the boys went," I wondered.

"Probably out looking for tuxedos or something," Raven replied.

"But... I wanted to ask Qrow to the dance," I said.

"I'm sure they'll be back."

They didn't come back until later that afternoon.

"Where were you two?! We've been waiting for hours!" I said.

"Sorry Summer. It took us forever to find decent tuxedos," Tai said.

Qrow walked over to me and handed me a single white rose.
"This is for you," he said.

I took the rose and sniffed it. It smelled wonderful.

"Thank you. What's the special occasion?" I asked.

"Well, there is a dance tonight. I was wondering if we could go together."

I smiled and kissed him. "Of course!"

"Guys... the dance is going to start in two hours," Tai said.

We spent the next few hours getting ready, and arrived at the auditorium just in time. After we checked in, Qrow and I headed out to the dance floor.

"So... now what?" Qrow asked.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "We just enjoy this time together."

We swayed slowly to the music as we held each other close. I spotted Raven and Tai talking and laughing near the punch bowl. It was nice seeing them so happy together. Something else also caught my eye. A shadowy figure that lingered near the corner. I couldn't see them clearly, but I saw enough detail to know that it was a man. Something shined near the man's hip. A shine of a blade. Weapons were forbidden during the dance. And this person didn't seem to be a student.
My arms dropped from Qrow.

"I'll be right back," I said, walking towards the corner where the man stood. As soon as he noticed me, he fled towards the back door.
I sprinted after him.
I caught up with him as he stopped at the courtyard.

"Who are you? You don't seem to be a student," I said.

I watched as he slowly removed his hood from his cloak. A tail suddenly appeared that had a stinger at the end. He was a scorpion Faunus.

He laughed. "My name matters not to you. All that matters are the orders Salem has given me. You wouldn't happen to be Summer Rose, would you?"

I glared at him. "Yeah. That's me. Why do you ask?"

He laughed harder, and brought out two twin blades.

"I ask because my orders are to take your life."

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