Chapter 43

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Ozpin was waiting for us when we arrived at the door to his office. His face looked serious.

"Good afternoon, team STRQ. Before we go inside, I would like to apologize for my outburst during our last meeting. I try to stay calm and collected during stressful situations... but as you can probably tell, I'm not always successful. I didn't mean to hurt any of your feelings."

"It's okay, Professor. We completely understand," I said.

Raven glared at him, but said nothing.

"Now then... let's continue the discussion of your upcoming mission inside."

We followed him inside and sat across from him.

"So, are we going to beat up some Grimm for you?" I asked.

Ozpin chuckled and shook his head. "No... This mission will be a search and rescue mission."

"Who are we looking for?" Raven asked.

"To answer your question, I'm going to ask another question first. Have you all heard about the tale of the maidens?"

I looked at my teammates and they glanced back at me.

"Well yeah. Hasn't everyone? It's a very popular fairytale," I replied.

Ozpin smiled. "Indeed. That tale has been around since I was a small child."

"Come on... I don't believe that," Raven said.

Ozpin leaned forward a bit, gazing into our eyes. "Well... would you believe me if I told you that the tale was true?"

Raven's eyes narrowed. "Oh really?"

Ozpin nodded. "Yes. There are four maidens in existence. Each is a representation of a season. They can wield incredible power and can control multiple elements. The person I want you to look for during this mission, if you decide to accept it, is the fall maiden. She's been out of contact for a few weeks... and I'm starting to worry."

We all looked at each other. I got the feeling my teammates were feeling the same way I was. Confused. I didn't know what to think about all of this...

"So... you want us to look for this maiden?" I asked.

"I do. I wouldn't tell you this information if I didn't trust you four. And you all make a very strong team. I would appreciate your help, team STRQ."

"I'm in," Tai replied. "These maidens sound pretty important, and if she hasn't been in contact, she might be in trouble."

"I would like to go on this mission as well," I said. "I want to help the fall maiden in any way I can."

"I'll do it if Summer wants to do it. Plus we're all a team, right?" Qrow asked.

Raven sighed. "I... guess I'll help. But I'm only doing it because Summer wants to do this."

I smiled at her. "Thank you, Raven."

Ozpin smiled. "I'll send you all information about her last whereabouts later today. You may leave. And... please keep this information to yourselves."

We got up from our seats and started to walk towards the elevator. None of us said anything as we walked back to our dorm.

I was the first to break the silence.

"So... what do you think about all this?"

"Frankly... I'm still very confused," Tai replied. "Does this mean that all those other fairy tales we heard as kids are true too?"

"Who knows? It feels nice knowing that Ozpin trusts us so much," Qrow said.

Raven looked skeptical. "Or that's what he wants you to believe."

I glared at her. "Why are you always so skeptical of Ozpin? He hasn't done anything."

Raven narrowed her eyes. "He hasn't done anything... yet."

"Can't we all be excited that we're going on a more difficult mission? And from the looks of it, it might be the most important mission we've done. I mean... we're going to look for the fall maiden," Tai said.

"Yeah. I hope she's okay. What if she's hurt out there somewhere?" I asked.

"Then I suggest we head out as soon as Ozpin messages us with the details," Qrow replied."The sooner we find this girl the better."

As if on cue, my scroll buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the message Ozpin had sent me.

I am sending you some information regarding the fall maiden.
Name: Laurel Octavia
Last seen: Outside of the Kingdom, specifically near Mountain Glenn. That was where she last contacted me.

He also sent her height and age as well as a physical description.

"Did you all get this message?" I asked my teammates, holding up my scroll for them to see.

Tai nodded. "Yep. I guess we should head out towards Mountain Glenn now?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Although it's been a few weeks. She could be anywhere right now."

Qrow spoke up. "How about me and Raven scout for her? We'll let you guys know if we find her."

Raven looked at him. "Why do I have to come?"

I smiled brightly. "That's a fantastic idea, Qrow! Plus it'll save us a lot of time too."

I walked over to the window and opened it. Qrow and Raven transformed into their corvid forms and landed on the window seal, waiting for my instructions.

"I want you two to start near Mountain Glenn first. If you can't find her there, feel free to split up and search. Report to me as soon as you've found her."

They nodded their heads in agreement.

I stroked the feathers on their heads gently. "Okay... have a safe trip."

I waved at them as they flew out the window and into the distance.

"You think they'll be okay?" Tai asked.

I nodded. "Of course. They're our teammates after all."

"Yeah. I hope they find Laurel soon."

"Me too," I said quietly.

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now